'Siren' Season 3 Episode 3: Ryn turns more human to fight [spoiler] but will the baby alter her decision?

The arrival of the new mermaid Tia (Tiffany Lonsdale) in Bristol Cove has put Ryn Fisher (Eline Powell) in a tough position owing to her unusual relationship with humans and love for her fellow mermaids.
However, a single encounter with Tia in the deep waters of the ocean has made Ryn realize that the new mermaid is far more formidable than she thought her to be and fighting against her requires way more than determination and rage.
With the help of two mermaids from her own tribe and Maddie Bishop (Fola Evans-Akingbola), Ryn works towards turning herself more human to be able to diminish Tia once for all, who is carrying with her exceptional humane skills which she acquired during her captivity at the Russian research unit.
Meanwhile, Tia is hunting down the leaders of various tribes to establish her power over the entire community and wage the ultimate war against mankind which Sarge (Hugo Ateo) warned Helen Hwakins (Rena Owen) about when she entered the world of spirits.
However, Ryn’s mission which until now was to fight Tia and stop the war from taking place is met by a challenge when she learns about Meredith going into labor with her baby.
The interesting turn in events leaves her and mankind’s fate hanging in the air as Ryn’s motherly instincts begin to kick in. For a long time, she struggled to have an offspring of her own.
The latest discovery, however, has turned her life upside down as she has something far more important to worry about now — take care of her baby, whose role is believed to be pivotal in bringing justice to the world of mermaids.
Also, Ryn’s responsibilities as a new mother could stop her from acting against Tia, as she knows how powerful the latter is and now she needs to watch out for her baby in a world that’s ridden with deception and is full of vile living beings.
And, after having seen enough of Tia's ruthlessness, it wouldn't come as a surprise to see her come after Ryn's baby, especially considering her goals of expanding her army.
Although Ryn needs to prepare herself to save her baby from suffering at the wrong hands, be it within the water or outside, she needs to more vigilant and think ahead of Tia as time is of the essence now.
Will Ryn rather choose to stay away from the perils of the waters and land to protect her baby or will the birth of her child further instigate her to end the reign of terror?
‘Siren’ airs on Thursdays on Freeform.