#FreeBritney: Why is Britney Spears still controlled by dad? Diet Prada exposes truth as 37k fans sign petition

Diet Prada, the Instagram account known for being ruthless at calling out all copycats and smugly ignorant, offensive, non-inclusive statements and campaigns in fashion has dropped their hot, sizzling take on the #FreeBritney movement. Calling their 1.4 million followers to support the campaign highlighting how everything Britney Spears does is under the strict conservatorship of her father and a lawyer she doesn't get to choose, the account used Britney's real voice as a means to showcase the extent of control that '"The middle-aged men who are ruining a thriving, successful woman’s life" have on her decisions.
For those unaware, "Since 2008 Britney Spears has been in a conservatorship that gives her conservator full control over her personal life & finances/estate. Conservatorships are typically used for those that are SEVERELY mentally ill. Since ‘08, she has been on 3 world tours with dangerous flying & fire stunts. It’s safe to say she is sane enough to feed and clothe herself. With this conservatorship, she is unable to properly fight for her freedom as she isn’t legally allowed to hire her own lawyer. We need this petition so that Britney can hire her own lawyer and live a normal life as a 38-year-old woman with two kids," details an official petition to the White House calling for Spears's freedom. "She has tried over the years to fight, attempts were shut down. Please look into this case. Every American deserves civil liberties," it adds. Over 37,000 fans have signed and it needs 62,000 more signatures to reach its goal.
Earlier this month, fans had asked Spears to wear yellow in her next video on Instagram if she needed help. Soon arrived a video of Spears walking up and down the hallway of her home in denim shorts and a yellow crop top which only fueled the theories about her being held against her will further. Shortly after flowed in a comment on one of her videos, where a fan asked her to wear blue in the next one just to check if it was all a coincidence or if Spears really needed help and sure enough, a post of her in a blue top didn't take long to drop on her Instagram.

But these conspiracy theories aside, the Instagram watchdog Diet Prada focuses on what isn't just a mere coincidence; they cite how Spears's real voice isn't the baby one she uses at 38-years-old for her songs. "If anyone has ever seen videos of her when she was younger, you'd know her REAL singing voice is very similar to Christina Aguilera's," they shared in a lengthy post on Instagram. Sure enough, a YouTube search solves the mystery as Spears does have a much heavier voice at just 14 than what her four studio albums will have you believe.
Diet Prada exposes Spears's record label for not liking the fact that both her and Aguilera had the same voice as they were about to drop their debut albums and therefore had Spears's voice retrained to make her unique baby voice a brand and significant distinction from Aguilera's. The account also claims Spears's 2006 album Original Doll was shelved when her label realized she would be singing in the acoustic pop album in her real singing voice - thereby also explaining why she isn't allowed to perform live and always takes to lip-syncing.
Refuting the whole mental instability argument put forth by Spears's conservators, the watchdogs keep asking in their Instagram post if someone is as incapacitated and mentally ill, why are they allowed to work continuously? This refers to the four albums, three worldwide tours, a four-year Vegas residency, full-time judge on X-Factor, multiple perfumes and a lingerie line and annual earnings of $138 million or so that Spears has accomplished in the last 12 years since the conservatorship began.

Although Diet Prada notes the unfortunate truth of how "some people’s instincts might be to not take this seriously or laugh because the world has made a joke of her existence to a certain extent," their expose is meant to more than just inform people of how Spears "is a woman who is denied access to her own children, finances, and any control over her own life." Calling for worldwide support to #FreeBritney, the account informs "Britney has a court hearing coming up on July 22."
This court hearing is allegedly after the #FreeBritney movement picked up the pace and caused a judge "to open an investigation into the impact and the legality her conservatorship has on her life." Diet Prada also claims Spears's mother Lynn has been liking tweets in favor of the movement, this implying that claims of her father holding her against her will aren't entirely wrong. It is also worth noting that "Britney's team had Twitter disable the Free Britney hashtag and regularly threatens any celebrity that speaks out using the hashtag with a lawsuit if they don't remove their support for the movement."
Citing multiple videos where Spears can be seen in chains and cages, and lyrics where "she has been telling everyone for years she's too controlled and treated as a product", Diet Prada aims at seeking justice for Spears who they claim just wants to "see her children, make the music she wants to make, and go get a frappuccino in her car." Allegedly, Spears can't do either of these as she has 30% custody of her two sons because her father assaulted one of them and yet somehow still exercises full control over her music, what she says in interviews and whether she gets inside a car.
Check out the full details of Spears's conservatorship, what she is allowed or not allowed to do under the confines of it and the limitless grasp her father has on committing her to a mental facility should she step a toe out of line, in Diet Prada's Instagram story here.