Who is Joseph H Manson? Tenured UCLA professor quits as he claims ‘WOKE TAKEOVER' has destroyed academia

UCLA tenured professor of anthropology Joseph H Manson has said he decided to leave his position early due to ‘woke takeover’ at colleges all around the country. The intolerance of woke professors and graduate students, as well as the sharp rise in ‘critical’ studies that view nearly all academic fields of study, including STEM, through the prism of race, gender, sexual orientation, and other human identities, were all detailed in a blog post by Manson on July 4.
The "woke takeover" of higher education, according to Manson, ‘has destroyed academic life.’ Manson used the exclusion of his former colleague P Jeffrey Brantingham, an anthropologist who had investigated urban crime and created a ‘predictive’ algorithm that he then presented to law enforcement, to demonstrate his point. Due to his studies, Brantingham was publicly accused by the Graduate Students Association at UCLA of ‘entrenching and naturalizing the criminality of Blackness in the United States.’
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According to Fox News, Brantingham still teaches and conducts research in the department, but he no longer takes part in faculty gatherings or activities. He even had to reorganize the course catalog to separate his well-liked course ‘The Ecology of Crime’ from courses taught by colleagues who disapprove of his line of inquiry. Manson believes that other professors from across the country and in every academic discipline are at risk of meeting a similar fate as "woke tyranny on campus will only get worse."

Manson noted, "The younger faculty tend to be more Woke than their elders. Administrators and student 'protesters' perform elaborately choreographed routines that end with the former enacting policies that they wanted to enact anyway, for which the latter’s public temper tantrums serve as a pretext." Manson declared that he's had enough of the demonization of honorable academics, the overwhelming presence of woke faculty and graduate students, and the alarming rise of ‘anti-Zionism, a.k.a. thinly disguised Jew-hatred.’ He added, "[M]ainstream U.S. higher education is morally and intellectually corrupt, beyond the possibility of self-repair, and therefore no longer a worthwhile setting in which to spend my time and effort.”
Meanwhile, the UCLA page for Manson reads, "I study the social behavior of both nonhuman primates and humans. My current research focus is on the interplay between life history strategy, individual differences, and face-to-face interaction. I’m particularly interested in personality variation in nonhuman primates, the adaptive significance of psychopathy, and human life history variation as manifest in everyday life."
UCLA spokesman Bill Kisliuk released a statement in reaction to the blog post that reads, “UCLA is deeply committed to the free and open exchange of ideas and we strongly support the academic freedom of our scholars. We actively encourage respectful debate, but we also expect equity and fairness, even when people strongly disagree. We do not tolerate discrimination or harassment and, to that end, UCLA strongly condemns anti-Semitism and other forms of hatred."