Former Malaysian king to marry 'a more suitable wife’ after dumping Russian beauty queen he abdicated his throne for

The former king of Malaysia, Sultan Muhammad V, is all set to marry "a more suitable wife" chosen by his family after being forced to break up with his wife, Oksana Voevodina.
Although the 27-year-old Russian beauty queen has continued to deny any marital split from her husband, a diplomatic source in Moscow has claimed that they have "already chosen" a new bride for the monarch.
Voevodina had converted to Islam and married the Sultan last year when he abdicated the throne for her last November. The couple's whirlwind romance had left his people and family stunned at the time.
According to the friends of Voevodina, the Russian beauty queen has not received any sort of divorce paperwork or documents stating that the marriage is over, the Daily Mail reports.
She also doesn't understand why Sultan Muhammad V suddenly went cold on her, the report adds.
According to a report by a pro-Kremlin newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, it was due to the disapproval of the monarch's family which led him to abdicate the Malaysian throne earlier this year.
Although the reason behind the Sultan's decision is not clear yet, the paper stated that the former king was forced to give up his crown as well as his wife by his family.
The move was initiated by his 70-year-old mother and other Malaysian sultans.
A source shared, "According to my information, the king's family is hostile to the Russian wife. The family of the king was against Oksana from the very beginning. It is traditional to marry women from their own society. Oksana was the wrong choice in all meanings of the word."
The source further added that the couple needed to keep their marriage a secret for a couple of months which led to an unsuitable situation.
According to the source, the former king did not voluntarily abdicate the throne but was forced to by the sultans who run the country.
"They pushed Muhammad towards the decision that if he went against his family when he married the Russian woman, so he had to abdicate. He said – 'Right, I will abdicate'. The members of his family clan put a lot of pressure on him and he stepped backward. He agreed to a sharia divorce."
MEAWW had previously reported that the pair got married last year on June 7, when the Sultan was still the king, and then had a second ceremony in November.
The couple also has a baby together but Voevodina is now challenging Sultan Muhammad V after he reportedly claimed that he is not the baby's biological father.