Russian beauty queen dares former Malaysian king to take paternity test for claiming he's not the ‘biological father’ of their son

MALAYSIA: Rihanna Oksana Veovodina, the Russian beauty queen who is going through a bitter divorce row with the former king of Malaysia, has challenged Sultan Muhammad V to take a paternity test after he claimed that he is not their baby's "biological father".
The ex-king had abdicated the throne to marry Oksana last year but they reportedly got divorced last month. Meanwhile, Oksana's friends believe the marriage is still very much valid as they reject the Sultan's suggestion that someone else fathered the child, the DailyMail reported. The 26-year-old former Miss Moscow, who had converted to Islam to marry the 49-year royal, is currently living in a country house near the Russian capital with baby Leon. She is now demanding an apology from the Sultan.

"All people close to Oksana - her parents, friends, family - are waiting for a public apology from him. And if (the former king) has some suspicions, then he can always do a DNA test. Oksana, for her part, is ready for this - I can tell you as I am her closest friend," Oksana's close friend Liliya Nastaeva, 32, was quoted as saying by the Sun.
According to reports, the Sultan will be "providing for" the mother and child but they have not received any royal titles.
The couple got married on June 7 last year when he was still king and then had a second ceremony in November.
When the details of the second ceremony were leaked to the media many people in Malaysia were left concerned as the beauty queen's racy past came to light.
A series of raunchy pictures had emerged and she had also been in a reality TV show where she was filmed having sex in a swimming pool.

After growing pressure, Sultan Muhammad V gave up his throne in January to be with Oksana. The Sultan's lawyers are now claiming that the couple is divorced after a ceremony where Muhammad V rejected his wife three times in the presence of witnesses.