'Filthy Rich' Episode 4 Review: A new war brews with Ladies table vs the 1820 as the family stands divided

Spoilers for 'Filthy Rich' Episode 4 'Romans 8:30'
Episode 4 of 'Filthy Rich' returns after a two-week hiatus and although slow, we see trouble brewing ahead. There were a lot of things happening, but the main premise was the fight that Margaret Monreaux (Kim Cattrall) had taken on to make sure that Sunny Club was all hers, like her husband Eugene Monreaux (Gerald McRaney) had intended. After the disaster with Ginger Sweet (Melia Kreiling) on the 'Wings of Dove' show, the entire family decided to go over to the farmhouse, so Margaret could smooth things over. But, her daughter Rose Monreaux (Aubrey Dollar) had decided to help Ginger and her mother Tina Sweet (Rachel York) take cover in the farmhouse, after a man stalking them left behind an old picture of Tina. We found out in Episode 3 that the stalker worked with the "powerful men" that were not only investors in Sunny Network but also whom Rose and Eric consider family and uncles. Rose decided to hide Tina and Ginger in her workshop at the farmhouse after Tina told her "I've known them before you were born, if they find me here, they'll kill me."
The episode went in many directions with too many characters at once. If you weren't keeping a close eye, you may have missed a few details. Turns out that Tina was paid $10,000 to seduce Eugene while being under surveillance all those years ago by the "powerful men" that were now at the house. She told her daughter Ginger, that when she was born, he was threatened by a man sent by these men and so she raised Ginger in secrecy. Rose hears this and realizes that these men that she considered family were all in fact monsters. Even though she tried to push Jason aka Mark (Jason Conley) away, they do end up getting together because he truly does love her. Rose finds him to be the only true thing in her life.
On the business front, the investors aka the "powerful men" were promised a stake in Sunny Club by Eugene and they decided to corner Maragaret on this. Calling themselves the 1820 (from the passage Matthew 18:20), they asked Eric Monreaux (Corey Cott) to take his father's Eugene seat at the 1820 table. Margaret, who was unable to find Franklin Lee (Steve Harris) anywhere, decides to take a call and make the men contractors instead. She finds out later through Franklin that she played right into the hands of those evil men.
After Rose decides to tells her mother about Tina and Eugene, Maragaret joins forces with Tina and Ginger to try and take these men down by exposing their weaknesses. "Long Live the Ladies Table," said Rose. Not to mention, we also find out that Eugene had an affair with Veronica (Gia Carides), one of the men, Don Bouchard's (Kenny Alfonso) wife and that Jason aka Mark was her son. We know from the previous episodes that Mark was pretending to be his brother Jason who was actually in a coma. Their mother, who is at the hospital with the actual Jason had adopted them. In this episode, we found out that Franklin had helped Veronica give away her son to a good family. Also, Franklin is sleeping with Veronica. It's a whole mess.
Eugene on the other hand, who isn't really dad, makes it home. He is only seen by Tina, who gives him a fur coat and he went on his way. The episode for sure led a strong foundation for the season. How will Margaret make sure these "powerful men" don't take over Sunny Club? How will Tina escape her demons? Will Eugene ever come back home? Will Tina tell Ginger she saw her father? We have so many questions and we can only wait and find out.
We're hoping the upcoming episodes take their time with the plotline. But, it's a soap opera, so we should expect fast-paced drama. The southern gothic series is holding up to its hype though, that's for sure. The Ladies table vs the 1820, who's side are you on?
Episode 5 airs on Monday, October 26, from 9-10 pm ET on FOX.