Father defends dressing 5-year-old son as Hitler for Halloween, says it reflects his "love for history"

A Kentucky father is at the center of a raging debate about inappropriate Halloween costumes, after he dressed up his son as Adolf Hitler while himself donning a Waffen-SS uniform. Photographs of Bryant Goldbach and his son, who were going to a local Halloween event, went viral, with many criticizing the getup, terming it anti-Semitic. Goldbach, who runs a jewelry store, however, first defended the costume choice, claiming that they "love history.” Later he apologized.
The photo was taken Thursday in downtown Owensboro, while the Goldbachs were attending the annual “Trail of Treats,” during which children went trick-or-treating at local businesses. It was posted on Goldbach’s Facebook page in response to the criticism he received at the event. His indignation at the comments of attendees who were offended by the costumes was expressed in the lengthy caption that went along with photos.