Dan Gallagher put on the stand in 'Fatal Attraction' Episode 1 for a heinous crime against Alex Forrest

Spoilers for 'Fatal Attraction' Episode 1
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: 'Fatal Attraction' Episode 1 just released and it is no surprise that the Paramount+ series is incredibly different from the 1987 movie it is based on. However, one thing that remains constant is that the star of the pilot episode is Dan Gallagher (played by Joshua Jackson). This role was originally played by Michael Douglas, so it’s safe to say that the expectations have been set incredibly high, and we're sure Jackson felt the pressure when he stepped into Douglas' shoes in this reboot.
'Fatal Attraction' Episode 1 starts off on an interesting note, immediately establishing that this series will be a dragged-on and woke version of the source material, and this is bound to leave the viewers divided. 'Fatal Attraction' Episode 1, however, establishes Dan’s character in particular and there is no denying that he will continue to be in the limelight in the coming episodes.
What is ‘Fatal Attraction’ about? Plot of Paramount+’s psychological thriller explained
Dan Gallagher serves his time in prison
If you don’t already know the plot of the 'Fatal Attraction' series, then the opening scene of the pilot is bound to throw you off a little, especially if you have watched the original film. Nevertheless, the scene focuses on Dan admitting to the crimes committed against Alex Forrest, and the brutal murder executed by him. Now, this feels like a decoy of sorts, and that’s confirmed when Dan meets his daughter Ellen Gallagher later in the episode, letting her know that he only said it because it made sense for parole and his case.
'Fatal Attraction' Episode 1 switches between past and present, helping the viewers get a little more accustomed to Dan as one of the main characters, and more importantly, letting the viewers guess for themselves whether or not he could have possibly killed Alex Forrest. However, apart from letting the guesswork begin, Dan’s character feels extremely two-dimensional, and we are simply not convinced.
Did Dan Gallagher do it?
If 'Fatal Attraction' turns into a whodunnit instead of focusing on the relationship between Alex and Dan, fans will be highly disappointed. Right now, Dan is on the fence. On one hand, his character seems like an innocent, non-provoking, and an average husband, father, and friend. But, on the other hand, the tension between him and Alex has begun to bubble, so how long until it simmers and finally boils over? It will be interesting to see how the viewers feel about Dan Gallagher as the series progresses, and as for whether or not he killed Alex Forrest, put us down for a no!
You can stream the first two episodes of 'Fatal Attraction' exclusively on Paramount+.