Faryal Kabir: Devastated LA woman placed on suicide watch for second time after her puppy was euthanized

ELK GROVE, CALIFORNIA: Faryal Kabir has been placed on suicide watch for the second time after her 16-month-old German Shepherd, Zeus, was euthanized on Friday, October 28. Zeus was seized by animal control officials on July 15 and placed in isolation at the Elk Grove Animal Shelter after authorities deemed him dangerous for biting a stranger and a police officer who was trying to seize him.
Members of the Kabir family said they were given no warning that Zeus had been killed and they had no time to prepare their loved one for the misery. Lawyers Andrew Shalaby and Christine Kelly had prevented the dog from being euthanized twice, but during their third attempt to release the dog after a 105-day lock, the dog was killed. However, on Friday an email was sent informing Kabir that the dog had already been euthanized, reported Daily Mail.
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Faryal Kabir's attorney Andrew visited her hours after the execution to inform her about the heartbreaking news. Kabir sobbed uncontrollably while locking herself in the bedroom threatening to kill herself. The distressed family called 911 and waited an agonizing two hours for police to arrive. Once the officials arrived Kabir's family noted that their treatment of her was cruel. "The whole family was terrified," Andrew said. "They took her out in handcuffs. They were so cruel to her. You can never imagine. No one was sympathetic. No one cared. All they did was take the report," reported Daily Mail. Kabir remains in the hospital and is sedated on tramadol as her lawyers and family fight to get justice for Zeus.
The city of Elk Grove issued a release stating that the German Shepherd dog known as Zeus, who was designated as a dangerous animal, was humanely euthanized. "This has been a difficult situation for all involved in this matter, and the City does not take this action lightly," the release said. "The City takes its duty to preserve public safety and protect the community very seriously. While some members of the public asked the City to consider alternatives to euthanasia, the dog’s established bite history and dangerous propensities presented too great of a risk to public safety for this community, or any other community to which the animal may have been relocated," the statement read.
The first ordeal started after Zeus made his first unprovoked attack on a resident on May 16, 2022. The man suffered small bites to his legs and filed a report. Kabir was then sent a letter informing her that her dog was deemed a dangerous animal and a hearing was scheduled. Kabir's attorney claimed the dog was deemed dangerous even before the hearing. She maintained that she followed all of the guidelines, which also included eight weeks of obedience training, getting a license that classified Zeus as a dangerous dog, and buying a leash, as well as a muzzle, reported the source.
Animal controls then showed up at Kabir's house two days before the compliance date to seize the dog. "The officer [Animal Service Officer Crystel Mocek] got angry that my client refused to let her into her home before the compliance deadline - and then two days later - on July 15th they showed up in a spiteful manner." During this, the officer was bitten by Zeus and his fate was sealed. Kabir's lawyer Christine argued, "The alleged bites are very minor, and not rising to the level of the death penalty," she said. "I think they are using Zeus as an example and are afraid of backing down, for fear of being accused of being wrong."
Kabir's lawyer claimed that the city of Elk Grove municipal code, one bite only classifies a dog as "potentially dangerous" and added the video of the dog biting an officer is "a serious misrepresentation." Andrew remarked, "Zeus was killed because he bit two people, one of which was a police officer, because Zeus was handed his death sentence 52 minutes before he bit the police officer. He was handed his death sentence before the Animal Control officer even called the police." On Friday, the attorney was notified by email from the city attorney informing them that Zeus had been 'euthanized humanely' earlier in the day. Now Andrew is planning to file a judicial misconduct complaint.