Old Steve Rogers picks up the shield again, goes into battle after Peggy Carter dies in animated fan-made video

'Avengers Endgame' was a bittersweet film for Marvel fans. We bid goodbye to Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr), saw Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) sacrifice herself to save the universe, and an old Captain America (Chris Evans), who decided to travel back in time and live out his life with Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) hand over his shield to Sam Wilson.
It's been months since 'Endgame', but the theories are in no hurry to stop any time soon. Recently, a fan-made animated video from the channel 'Cartoon Hooligans' of an old Captain America made its way to the internet. What at first seems warm and Christmassy, turns dark quite soon.
In the video, Cap is playing Santa at a mall, and a child playfully asks him where Mrs Santa is, and he answers that she is back home. The kid says, "You love her very much, don't you?" Cap readily assents. He brings back groceries and spends a comfy evening with Peggy. They go to sleep. Cap wakes up and finds that Peggy has been held hostage by some rather familiar-looking villains. The animation takes a grim turn when Peggy is killed and Cap decides to avenge her death. He hunts down the killers and puts an end to them, once and for all. The video ends with two policemen poking fun at him, and Cap getting angry, pulling out a revolver. Who doesn't like an angsty Captain America?
It's a gritty and unusual take, and it would be interesting if 'Marvel's What If' decided to adopt a similar storyline. 'Marvel's What If', which will release in 2021, is an animated series that promises to look at some pretty intriguing alternate storylines, had one crucial plot detail been changed. This will be from the perspective of Uatu, The Watcher, a quiet speculator of the multiverse.