'Family Guy' Season 19 Episode 4 Preview: Will Peter and Lois survive the outrageous 'CutawayLand'?

After the disaster that was ‘Boys & Squirrels’, Peter Griffin and his wife Lois are getting entangled in a whole other kind of comedic ingenuity. It is time for the good ole' return of cutaway gags that 'Family Guy' has made such a name for itself for in the last two decades or so. If you thought Peter getting caught in a chainsaw accident and ending up hurting a bunch of squirrels was bad, one can only imagine what happens when there's a cutaway-ception and the Griffin family heads keep getting transported in time to every cutaway gag they mention.
For the upcoming Episode 4 of Season 19 titled 'CutawayLand', the official synopsis from Fox reveals: "Peter and Lois accidentally set up a cutaway gag together, which somehow transports them into the cutaway itself." For those unaware, cutaway gags are a comedy trope where a character usually brings up something from the past and the immediate next shot is that of the incident happening. It's a common trope that comedies often use to induce what is the equivalent of jump scares in the horror genre. Usually every bit outrageous, even by Family Guy's standards, cutaway gags have their own hall of fame and are a fan favorite for the show. Now put Lois and Peter in the equation and you have a whole treat to look forward to.
The episode comes after last week's squirrel disaster, where Peter's sons Chris and Stewie spent time caring for the squirrels, nursing them back to health while their father busied himself in getting his back realigned so he could go back to his actual height. That Stewie and Chris were back to speaking terms after the toddler tried killing his teenage brother for owning the stuffed animal toy he currently possesses is a miracle in itself, but such is the charm of sitcoms. You don't necessarily need a flow, and when there's too much of it, there are always cutaway gags to fall back on.
‘Family Guy’ Season 19 airs on Sundays at 9.30 pm ET/ 8.30 pm CT only on FOX.