Experts weigh in on Hollywood's take on aliens and the myths surrounding extraterrestrial activity that began in Roswell, New Mexico

Popular culture has been creating extraterrestrial narratives for about 70 years now, and each story explores the legends of aliens in different ways. With the release of CW’s newest series ‘Roswell, New Mexico’ coming in just a few days, we decided to dig deeper into these fascinating myths to perhaps find some kernel of truth in what many assume to be a highly fictionalized topic. According to Robbie Graham, author of Silver Screen Saucers and expert on all things extraterrestrial in popular culture, Hollywood does indeed twist whatever truths exist in regards to the topic of aliens and UFOs. Additionally, Graham even thinks that Hollywood is somewhat to blame about the common misconceptions surrounding this taboo topic.
“Hollywood takes a huge amount of liberties obviously with any adaptation of any real event. Even Hollywood’s adaptations of well documented, agreed upon historical events often take great artistic liberties. There is a popular misconception that the phenomena as we understand it today has sprung from Hollywood’s imagining of such events.”