EPIX 'From' Episode 8 Review: Boyd's past explained, but can series tie loose ends in time?

Contains spoilers for 'From' Episode 8 'Broken Windows, Open Doors'
At this point, it does feel like 'From' might just have been dragging things a little too long. Perhaps, if there were to be a Season 2 of EPIX's compelling horror drama, the slow pacing and the mounting questions could be answered, but the network is yet to announce the renewal or cancellation of the series. The latter might not happen considering the ratings and the response the Harrold Perrineau-starrer has received, but with just two episodes left, 'From' might have to switch gears.
'Broken Windows, Open Doors' is all about Boyd's flashback, a rather painful one we might add. His late wife Abby Stevens (Lisa Ryder) makes a minor appearance in the episode and sheds light on how the family got here and the story behind the mysterious talismans. A quick primer: The flashback sees Boyd, Abby, and Ellis (Corteon Moore) on the road discussing his retirement plan. It is revealed that Boyd was an army veteran while Abby was a marine. Like the Matthews family, they come to the haunted town and are met by Father Khatri (Shaun Majumder) and Donna (Elizabeth Saunders).
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It doesn't take long for the Stevens' to realize there was no way out, and while Boyd makes his peace pretty quickly, Abby heads into a state where the lines of reality and nightmare are blurred. She goes on a killing spree while Boyd, despite Ellis' pleas to help her, decides to figure out a way and gets trapped in the woods at night. When the monsters come after him, he falls into a cave filled with talismans. Looking at them as a solution he heads back only to see Abby killing people in cold blood.
She almost pulls the trigger on Ellis but is shot by Boyd instead leading the boy to nurse hate against his father. With this pretty much forming the storyline of the episode, 'From' still does a good job in weaving a story despite the concerning fact that there are still tons of questions unanswered.
EPIX might put out a last-minute announcement of a season 2, but otherwise expect a cliffhanger ending for this one. Perrineau does a great job as the pained, yet motivated Sheriff Boyd. Sara Mayers (Avery Konrad) is still an enigma, and the Matthews are on to something, but the solutions to all of this might just need more than two episodes.
'From' airs Sundays at 9 pm on EPIX.