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‘Emperor of Ocean Park' Episode 3 Takeaway: Who is Lisa? Mystery woman complicates Talcott Garland's life

Talcott Garland finds his first hint related to Lisa and the ‘arrangements’ in Episode 3 of 'Emperor of Ocean Park'
In 'Emperor of Ocean Park', Talcott Garland is forced onto a mission after his father's death (@mgm+)
In 'Emperor of Ocean Park', Talcott Garland is forced onto a mission after his father's death (@mgm+)

Contains spoilers for 'Emperor of Ocean Park' Episode 3

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS: Based on Stephen L Carter's novel 'Emperor of Ocean Park', MGM+'s latest series of the same name weaves a suspenseful plot that keeps viewers hooked, even with its weekly release schedule.

The series begins with the death of Judge Oliver Garland (Forest Whitaker). Although it was ruled as natural cause, his daughter Mariah (Tiffany Mack) suspects it was murder.

The brutal murder of Father Freeman Brown solidifies her suspicion while her brother, Talcott Garland (Grantham Coleman) begins to believe her conspiracy theory only when he is chased for information he doesn't possess, including the identity of Lisa.

'Emperor of Ocean Park' Episode 3 hints Lisa's identity

Tiffany Mack as Mariah Garland in 'Emperor of Ocean Park' (@mgm+)
Tiffany Mack as Mariah Garland in 'Emperor of Ocean Park' (@mgm+)

In Episode 2, two agents visited Talcott and questioned him about Lisa. At that point, viewers were as clueless as Talcott about Lisa's identity and her role in the plot.

In 'Emperor of Ocean Park' Episode 3, Mariah discovers that Father Brown had a girlfriend. She then secretly sneaks into his office at the Church and steals his diary, which has repeated mention of his alleged girlfriend named Lisa.

Meanwhile, Talcott finds a note that Judge Garland wrote for him before his death. In the letter, he mentioned that Lisa's boyfriend could tell him about the "arrangements", which Jack Ziegler (Torrey Hanson) is now pursuing.

Lisa could help Talcott Garland solve the mystery in 'Emperor of Ocean Park'

Grantham Coleman as Talcott Garland in 'Emperor of Ocean Park' (@mgm+)
Grantham Coleman as Talcott Garland in 'Emperor of Ocean Park' (@mgm+)

As per Judge Garland's letter, only Father Brown could tell about the mysterious arrangements but his death has complicated things for Talcott.

There are several parties who are interested in the information and they all are holding Talcott by the neck. For Talcott to get rid of the unknown threats and solve the mystery behind the deaths, he has to now search for Lisa as she might tell something related to the arrangements.

However, finding Lisa is going to be a challenging task. Church's secretary claims to know nothing about her and even the private agents have failed to locate her so far.

Talcott's curiosity combined with Mariah's keen eye is the key to unraveling the mystery from here onwards.

'Emperor of Ocean Park' Episode 3 is now streaming on MGM+