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'Emperor of Ocean Park' Episode 3: Is Agent McDermott dead? One hiccup could derail Talcott Garland's investigation

Talcott Garland's stalker makes things difficult for him in Episode 3 of 'Emperor of Ocean Park'
A car blast startles Talcott Garland in Episode 3 of 'Emperor of Ocean Park' (@mgm+)
A car blast startles Talcott Garland in Episode 3 of 'Emperor of Ocean Park' (@mgm+)

Contains spoilers for 'Emperor of Ocean Park' Episode 3

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS: Talcott Garland's quest to unravel a mystery after his father died 'Emperor of Ocean Park' makes for a thrilling drama. People have been relentlessly pressing him for details about certain arrangements he knows nothing about.

In Episode 1, he receives a visit from Jack Ziegler (Torrey Hanson), a high-profile criminal who was also a friend of Judge Oliver Garland (Forest Whitaker).

In Episode 2, the drama takes another turn when two agents show up at Talcott's door, probing about a woman named Lisa.

Who is Agent McDermott in 'Emperor of Agent Park'?

A still from 'Emperor of Ocean Park' Episode 2 (@mgm+)
A still from 'Emperor of Ocean Park' Episode 2 (@mgm+)

McDermott and Foreman, who claimed to be FBI agents, interrogated Talcott Garland (Grantham Coleman) about Lisa and inquired about his meeting with Jack Ziegler. However, Talcott later uncovered that they were not actually from the FBI.

In Episode 3 of 'Emperor of Ocean Park,' McDermott contacted Talcott again. When confronted about his identity, McDermott reveals that he is a private agent hired by a client to learn about Lisa.

This mysterious client is likely interested in the same arrangements that Jack Ziegler is concerned with.

The car incident could impact Talcott Garland's hunt for truth in 'Emperor of Ocean Park'

Talcott Garland finds himself in the middle of bizarre events in 'Emperor of Ocean Park' (@mgm+)
Grantham Coleman as Talcott Garland in 'Emperor of Ocean Park' (@mgm+)

When Talcott discovers that Lisa is Father Freeman Brown's girlfriend, he calls McDermott and arranges a meeting. However, upon reaching the location, he sees McDermott's car being blown to pieces.

When someone shouted in panic that there was someone inside the car, it can be assumed that it was McDermott, who had been waiting for Talcott and met an unfortunate end.

Talcott was up to something when he had decided to meet McDermott. However, his alleged death could pause Talcott's investigation temporarily since he can no longer know why Lisa was a person of interest to McDermott's client.

Meanwhile, Talcott must now watch his every step, as his stalker has no qualms about killing people.

Three episodes of 'Emperor of Ocean Park' are now streaming on MGM+.