Who is Elizabeth Secundy? Hunter Biden was dating Beau's widow Hallie while he sent 'sexts' to her sister

Hunter Biden's affair with his late brother, Beau Biden's wife, Hallie Biden became a talk of the town just before the elections. But according to the latest revelations, he exchanged raunchy texts 'partied', and even rented a house with Hallie's sister.
Hallie's elder sister, Elizabeth Secundy, who was recently separated from her husband of 15 years, referred to Hunter as her 'prince' and told him she loved him, in a series of text messages dating back to 2016, according to a Daily Mail report. The pair's relationship was exposed in files and emails obtained from Hunter's laptop - the contents of which became public last year after it was abandoned at a Delaware computer shop.
Even though Hunter agreed to publish details of his personal life and his struggle with alcohol and drugs in his forthcoming memoir, 'Beautiful Things', it is unclear whether Hunter has added details of his relationship with Secundy. The father-of-five, now 51, split with his first wife Kathleen in 2015. When his brother Beau died of brain cancer that year, he became close to his grieving sister-in-law, Hallie. The two were romantically linked from 2016 until 2018. According to an interview Hunter had with the New Yorker in 2019, Hunter said he began dating Hallie after he was "recovering from a weeklong crack binge" in Los Angeles. He said the couple became close in 2016 after they bonded over Beau’s death during a trip to the Hamptons.

Hunter revealed that the two began spending more time together as they were “sharing a very specific grief” because of Beau’s passing. His father, President Joe Biden, reportedly first learned of the relationship when the New York Post called his office asking for comment in 2017. Biden said in a statement at the time: “We are all lucky that Hunter and Hallie found each other as they were putting their lives together again after such sadness. The unconventional relationship was first acknowledged publicly in March 2017, with Biden issuing a statement giving his blessing to Hunter and Hallie. But emails and texts from Hunter's laptop logged on spreadsheets and reviewed by DailyMail, reveal his romantic relationship with his sister-in-law was even more complicated and scandalous.
A text message exchange recovered from the laptop hard drive reported a sexual conversation between Hunter and Secundy from September 2016 - at the time he would have been dating Hallie. Hunter offered to teach Secundy "how to masturbate" and referenced buying her "panties". Secundy, now 49, also referred to Hunter as her 'prince' and told him she loved him in the texts. However, texts on his laptop show that he was already having extremely flirtatious conversations with Hallie's sister by then. On September 8, 2016, Hunter wrote to Secundy: "We should shower together by FT [FaceTime] every morning or night when we're up at 3- stress relief - I'll teach you how to masturbate." Files on the laptop suggest the relationship continued well into 2018, with one document showing they had rented a home together starting in July 2018.
"Wow re-reading that I can see how Joel [Secundy's 51-year-old husband] might have some doubts," he added. "I'm up actually I've not gone down - when o [sic] get home tonight I'm calling you from the shower. Ly [Love you]."
Secundy separated from Joel, her husband and father of her three children, in 2015 after 15 years of marriage. Their divorce was finalized three years later. The next day Hunter texted Secundy telling her he had been up late watching "bad porno movies like I'm 13", and referred to buying her "panties." "I have lulu panties. They are my only non Grammies besides the ones from you," Secundy texted him. The conversations showed Secundy had told Hunter she loved him and repeatedly asked him for money.

On September 17 she wrote: "I'm at Hal's alone for next 24hrs… call me,' and 'LYSM [Love You So Much]".Later that day she wrote "your [sic] my only prince. I'm totally coming back for you." Hunter replied: "Well get in a mood- not quite sure what mine is yet - but it's always nice to have you fun and loving me… I'm going to need it I think- except your sister."
A friend with information of Hunter's relationships told DailyMail that Beau's former home soon became a very different environment with Hunter, Hallie and Secundy "partying" there regularly. "They were living at Beau's old house and it just became a party house. They were obviously up 24/7 just partying," the source said. "They would sit out on the patio like crackheads almost."
The texts on Hunter's laptop also show Secundy asked Hunter and her sister for money repeatedly, saying she was left near-penniless after her breakup with her husband. On August 18, 2016, Secundy wrote to Hunter saying: 'hey.... can you send me more money? sorry to ask. i promise it won't be much longer. Joel took that job. xxoo' A week later she wrote, "f*** I don't even have any money for parking. This is a nightmare that I can't wake up from." Months later, on April 10, 2017, she sent Hunter another message saying: "Are you able to give me $500?" She also texted Hunter and Hallie in a three-way conversation on April 26, 2017, saying: "hunt/Hallie can you please hire me now .....so I can get my life together and then i will find my own job and unburden both of you." Hunter replied to the two of them: "Hallie it's called leverage." Secundy replied: "So is that a yes? I hate asking for money every day. it's the worst feeling."
Hunter and Hallie reportedly broke off their romantic relationship in early 2019. Their split was “amicable” although it was unclear why they broke up. In August 2018, Hunter fathered a child with Lunden Roberts, who is said to have been a stripper at a club he often visited in Washington, DC. Their baby was born in August of that year. Hunter had first denied that the child Roberts was bearing was his and agreed to a paternity test to confirm the baby’s DNA. The court ruled that the test established Hunter’s paternity with “scientific certainty," determining that Hunter did father the child while he was dating Hallie. Hunter married Melissa Cohen in 2019 six days after they met. They welcomed a child together in March 2020.
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