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Duane Chapman promised to quit a nasty habit for Beth, but it was Francie who got him to follow through

An alarming diagnosis served as a wake-up call for Chapman, nudging him to reassess his lifestyle choices, particularly one addictive habit.
Duane the 'Dog' Chapman at his book signing for 'You Can Run But You Can't Hide' at Borders bookstore in Hollywood. (Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Ted Soqui)
Duane the 'Dog' Chapman at his book signing for 'You Can Run But You Can't Hide' at Borders bookstore in Hollywood. (Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Ted Soqui)

Duane Chapman a.k.a. Dog the Bounty Hunter, was on a health journey with a primary focus on quitting smoking. The decision came after a serious health scare involving a pulmonary embolism that left him hospitalized. The reality star’s commitment to change was not just about personal health; it was also about honoring the memory of his late wife, Beth, and fulfilling promises made to her. Chapman’s health issues began when he experienced severe chest pain during a workout.


Initially, he thought it was just another episode of discomfort he had faced before, but this time it escalated to a point where he required medical attention. Doctors discovered a blood clot in his lungs, which posed a serious risk to his life. The diagnosis served as a wake-up call for Chapman, nudging him to reassess his lifestyle choices, particularly his smoking habit. In an interview, Chapman shared how Dr. Oz’s advice helped him quit smoking.


Moreover, Chapman’s new wife, Francie Frane, has been a prominent source of encouragement in his quest to quit smoking. She employed a strategy of love and positive reinforcement rather than pressure. In her view, constant nudging can lead to resistance rather than compliance. She revealed, "We all don't like change, especially when it comes to things that we have relied on for such a long time. And so my tactic is love and encouragement. I need him around for the next 20 years at least, so I just keep telling him that." She highlighted her desire for him to embrace healthier habits for their future together, as reported by People magazine.


Frane remarked, "I feel like when people are constantly picking at us, that it makes us do the opposite — [it makes us] want to do it, continue to do it more because we don't want to be picked at all the time. It's reverse psychology, maybe, and loving him out of cigarettes." Despite the challenges, her supportive approach has made a difference in Chapman’s mindset regarding quitting. He started smoking at just 12 years old and has relied on cigarettes throughout his life.

Duane the 'Dog' Chapman signs copies of his book 'You Can Run, But You Can't Hide' at Bookends on August 9, 2007 in Ridgewood, New Jersey. (Image Source: Getty Images | Photo By Jim Spellman)

As per Nicki Swift, during discussions on ‘The Dr. Oz Show,’ he admitted, "Well, I'm still smoking the first time in my whole life, about 5-6 a day. I'm studying this, there are certain things that set me off to smoke. For instance, after I eat, or in the morning when I drink coffee, I'm at that point now, but I have never, Doc, since I was 12 had only four or five cigarettes a day…I'm almost completely there and believe this or not, and I love you, but it's not why I'm saying it. I don't want to disappoint you and I don't want to disappoint my Francie. That right there will overcome anything. I'm using all those antidotes to be able to say, 'Yeah, I'm smoke-free, I quit smoking.'"