Fans calls Drake ‘creepy’ after 17-year-old singer Billie Eilish reveals rapper regularly texts her

Friendship can happen anytime between any two people of any age. But it might appear to some as unnatural or not so common. Like Drake and Billie Eilish’s friendship.
The popular rapper and the indie singer have been good friends for a while now. The LA-based singer and songwriter recently disclosed on social media that Drake and her often exchange messages. Billie, 17, added that she finds the 33-year-old rapper to be the ‘nicest dude I’ve ever spoken to’.
In an interview, as reported in UNILAD, Billie spoke about how the two exchange messages and how concerned Drake is about her. Despite Billie seeing this interaction in a positive way, fans, however, have an entirely different perspective to this. Many fans, who felt uncomfortable with this, took to social media to share their disappointment. They even labeled the whole equation between Drake and Billie as ‘creepy’ and did not leave any chance to slam the rapper through myriad reactions.
Fans are not only feeling uncomfortable with this friendship between a 33-year-old rapper and a 17-year-old singer, they are also concerned, some to the extent of disapproving the friendship. Most people think that it is inappropriate for Drake to be text messaging an underage girl, no matter how good friends they are.
As @FiveTacey comments, “If you read what Millie Bobby Brown and #BillieEilish say about #Drake texting them and strip away the context of fame, he just sounds like a creepy older dude telling underage girls how much he cares for them. He just gets a pass because he’s famous.”
Fans like @AudraMilos comment, “Someone tell Drake to stop sending flirty texts to a bunch of celebrity teenage girls. It's creepy as fuck that the entertainment industry is letting this slide as much as they are.”
To add to this uproar on Drake’s behavior, there’s also his friendship with Millie Bobby Brown. As @BettyThinks tweets, “Why is no one talking about the fact that drake tried it with Millie Bobbie Brown? Like hello? Creepy much.”
The 14-year-old actor of ‘Stranger Things’ fame revealed that the two of them had met in Australia, and soon became good friends, as well as a role model for Millie. She also declared that Drake and she had exchanged numbers and have been friends for a while. She also revealed that they not only talk on text messages, but Drake also helps her with advice on ‘boys’.