'Dr Pimple Popper' Season 8: Iguana wrangler Madison gets his pilar cysts 'wrangled' by Dr Lee

Dr Sandra Lee is back with a new episode of 'Dr Pimple Popper' and so are pilar cysts. In the third episode of Season 8, a patient with multiple bumps on his head approaches Dr Lee for a permanent solution to get them removed.
Madison, 38, of Lake Worth, Florida, has bumps on his head. The largest one appears to be half a ping pong ball attached to his head - firm and squishy - while the other three appear to be a cluster of peas. When he was 14, he discovered his first big one, which felt like a little pimple at the time, and he attempted to pop it. He chose to leave it alone once it had popped. When he initially consulted a doctor, he was advised not to worry since it will go away on its own. But over the years, Madison got more and more bumps on his head.
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Madison covers his head every time he comes out of his house to avoid any unwanted glances. Due to the heat, it became difficult for him to always wear a hat on the job as an iguana wrangler. Also, he couldn't risk not covering them in order to avoid having the lumps smash against branches or fences. He also stated that he had lost numerous business contracts as a result of his head bumps. He didn't care much when he was younger, but now that he has a business, he has too much to lose, and he wants to be the guy who provides for his family. Tonya, his wife, persuaded him to have his lumps examined to discover whether they were malignant.
Dr Lee assures him that they are not life-threatening, but they have the potential to grow further. Madison's sensitivity to pain and needles made it difficult for her to work on him, but she did all she could to distract him during the procedure, including bringing in her assistants. Dr Lee tackles the big one first by numbing down the region and removes the first cyst in one whole piece.

After removing the third cyst, Dr Lee had to take on the last one which was really squished down. From the compact pilar cyst, she noticed three more tiny cysts, eventually taking out each one of them. Madison's head seemed on the route to looking normal after having six cysts removed, which made him weep out of happiness. The last time he had his head look like that was in high school!
Madison's bumps and scars were entirely gone two months after surgery. Now he continues to do his work without having to worry that there's nothing benign.
'Dr Pimple Popper' Season 8 airs on TLC every Wednesday at 9 pm.