'Dr Pimple Popper' Preview: Will Dr Lee be able to remove Angela's head lumps?

Even a small pimple or skin acne can become the reason why some people lose all their self confidence, avoiding society and their family members. Everyone should take pride in their appearance and TLC's 'Dr Pimple Popper' is here to help. The show features people, who are highly affected by their bad skin conditions, find a new lease of life.
'Dr Pimple Popper' Season 7 is back with another nerve-wracking episode. Dr Sandra Lee, armed with her tweezer, will tackle one of the worst skin conditions in the upcoming Episode 8. The episode titled 'Once, Twice, Three Times a Keloid' sees Dr Lee trying to gift a new life with no lumps and keloids to her patients. In the previous episode, Dr Lee tackled three cases including Roger's massive growth on his shoulder that he jokingly called "his second head". Jenna was a bubbly teenager with an even bigger bubble behind one ear.
Susan is covered from head to toe in bumps that get in the way of her everyday life. However, Dr Lee was successful in treating their skin conditions with all her past experience and knowledge but will she be able to tackle the new challenges posed by keloids?
'Dr Pimple Popper': Roger calls a 10-year-old growth on shoulder his 'second head'
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In the upcoming episode, Dr Sandra Lee will be meeting Angela who has four growths on her head and hides away from those she loves out of embarrassment. Apart from Angela, Robert will also be seen on the show as he has a small keloid on his ear and a huge snakelike keloid on the back of his head that has been removed three times now but it keeps coming back.
Now the question is, will Dr Lee be able to tackle these patients and will she be able to remove their lumps without any side effects? If you are also curious to know more about these patients and their skin conditions, then don't forget to tune in.
'Dr Pimple Popper' airs on every Wednesday on TLC at 8 pm ET