'Doctor Who' Series 12 Part 2: Fans heartbroken after Ada Lovelace's mindwipe echoes Donna Noble's tragic fate

Of all the companions the Doctor has had over the years, no one has managed to put them in their place better than the feisty Donna Noble (Catherine Tate), which is saying a lot considering the sheer number of people who have traveled with the Time Lord.
Donna was a truly enjoyable companion who served as the perfect foil for the Doctor and nobody quite like her has been seen on the show since.
This is why it was so very painful when the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) was forced to wipe Donna's memories of her travels. Granted, at the time, he didn't really have much choice in the matter.
However, now in 'Doctor Who' Series 12 Episode 2 'Spyfall Part 2', the Thirteenth Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) just repeated the feat with the historical figures Ada Lovelace (Sylvie Briggs) and Noor Inayat Khan (Aurora Marion) and fans aren't too happy about it.
Here's what they've been saying on Twitter:
"I did not need a reminder of that particular ability, Doctor. I did not need Donna Noble feels. #stillhurts," said one fan while another said "Did the Doctor just Donna them???"
A fan pointed out: "The Doctor removed herself from Noor and Ada’s minds like he did to Donna Bringing back some of The Doctor’s old abilities tonight" while another shared, "There are SO MANY PEOPLE over the Doctor's history that s/he would've immensely helped by erasing their memories..."
"I really don't like this. Why does the Doctor chooses to press the reset button sometimes, and sometimes just leaves minds alone?" shared one fan while another added
"I wonder how often the Doctor has needed to use the mindwipe technique. I'm thinking a lot.".
"There's that memory wipe again" pointed out one viewer while another shared, "Can’t decide if it’s better or worse that she’s all 'YAY YOUR FUTURE' as she erases someone’s memories instead of 'WOE IS ME' the way Ten was."
"It was a little echo of poor Donna." said one fan while another said, "Don't take it away! Please don't take it away.' WE ARE NOT STILL NOT OVER THIS!!!"