THE FULL TRUTH: Julia Wandelt who claims to be Madeleine McCann finally receives DNA test results

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: After a long wait, DNA tests have finally confirmed that Julia Wandelt is not Madeleine McCann, who went missing during a family holiday in Portugal in 2007. The 21-year-old Polish woman, also known as Julia Wendell/Faustyna, recently took a DNA test to find out more about her identity after making headlines for her claims that her facial features are identical to those of the 3-year-old British toddler.
Wandelt's DNA test results, which examined her family history, now confirmed that she is not the missing girl, instead showing that she is from Poland, with some Lithuanian and Romanian ancestry. “She is absolutely 100 percent from Poland,” private investigator Dr Fia Johansson told Radar Online. “She is a small percentage of Lithuanian and Russian but the test results show she is Polish.” Dr Johansson continues to believe that the accused sexual abuser of Wendell may be connected to the McCann case.
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'She made things happen'
“Julia had all the birthmarks as Madeleine McCann which I believe is God and the universe’s way of wanting us to get close to the man who sexually abused her, expose him, and his possible ties to the McCann case,” Dr Johansson added. She asserted that Wandelt's efforts had not been in vain as her claims have assisted in advancing the search for missing Madeleine and her culprits. "At least Julia got the investigators to move on the McCann case -- she made things happen," she added. Following the claims, Portugal and the United Kingdom government reinvigorated the McCann investigation and considered boosting financing for "Operation Grange," which had been set up to aid in the search.
Wandelt and Dr Johansson are currently bunkering in an undisclosed safe house in Los Angles after receiving a series of death threats that began when she unsuccessfully sought a paternity test from her family and confronted her abuser. Julia recently appeared on the popular US chat show Dr Phil, where she declared that she will not return to her family back in Poland, no matter what the DNA results would have shown.
Wandelt won't return to family regardless of DNA results
"I think that mothers should not do these things to their children," she firmly stated. "If she is my mother, I don't want to have contact with her that's all, but I believe she isn't my mother." During her appearance, Wandelt claimed that she has childhood memories that appear to tie her to the place the British girl vanished from in 2007. “I have some single memories since eight, nine years old. And before eight, I have only this one memory with beach and water, like sea or ocean, and there were turtles and children trying to catch the turtles and take them in their hands.” She said.
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Wandelt’s series of claims started back in February, when she launched an Instagram account where she posted a slew of photos and videos as evidence, suggesting that she is the missing British toddler. Wendell claimed she had freckles on her leg and cheek as well as a coloboma in her right eye in the same places as Madeleine. She also claimed her abuser has a striking resemblance to the composite sketch of the suspect wanted in the McCann case. However, she soon deleted the account after garnering immense social media hate.