DMX's drug abuse: How mentor Ready Ron tricked rapper into smoking crack at 14, fans call account 'tough to watch'

Once a prominent rapper in the hip-hop industry and with a resume even spanning into several films, DMX's career has taken a painful knock over the years. His name hasn't been without a fair amount of controversy or failures, with drug offenses, prison stints and other legal issues, and the rapper has acknowledged it. Sitting down with People's Party' Talib Kweli on November 5, DMX opened up about his drug abuse and introduction to the music industry. See the full interview below.
While the rapper has previously opened up about drug addiction, the new interview quickly became swollen with emotion as he shared he was coerced into smoking crack cocaine by his mentor, Ready Ron. He struggled to deliver his words properly as he became increasingly teary-eyed. "Everything in my life is blessed with a curse," he says, alluding that his mentor helped kickstart his career, but at the same time made his life worse. "I didn't smoke cigarettes, I didn't smoke weed, I didn't do anything, 14-years-old." DMX continued explaining that it was at his friend's birthday and his friend received money as a gift. "He came back with a blunt rolled up. And as I'm counting the money, he passed the blunt." DMX initially rejected it, so it was passed around the circle of friends, but when it returned to him from the hands of Ready Ron, he decided to try it. "I was no longer focused on the money. I've never felt like this. It just f*cked me up." He also noted, "I later found at he laced the blunt with crack."
DMX then asked, "Why would you do that to a child? He knew how I looked up to him. Why would you do that to somebody who looks up to you?" Talib then told him to take his time, as DMX became more emotional. The rapper then bluntly said, "A monster was born. That monster was born." He added, "The person that I loved was a snake."
The comments on YouTube are filled with support from fans who described the interview as "Tough to watch." One fan described it, "This is the best interview ever, brought me to tears and I am a man, keep it true always." "DMX is genuine with all he do. Even when his emotions come into play its real and can be felt," said a fan while another wrote, "DMX is like the Mike Tyson of Hip-Hop the Hunger and definition of Hip-Hop." One fan said, "You'll be surprised how people really feel about you, and the whole time dude probably was jealous of him because of his skills. But if you hang with dirt you get dirty."
Another added, "DMX hasn't stopped judging himself for that moment all the way to now. Hold strong brotha."
Whether you're a fan of DMX or not, the interview certainly tugs on the heartstrings and taking a wrong turn in life is not always as obvious at a young age. We hope to hear more from DMX soon and see him on the road to strength and personal peace.