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'Desperate Lies' Episode 16 Takeaway: Liana's long buried secret may bring her family together

All episodes of 'Desperate Lies' have officially been released on Netflix
Liana finally reveals her secret to her sons in 'Desperate Lies' Episode 16 (@netflix)
Liana finally reveals her secret to her sons in 'Desperate Lies' Episode 16 (@netflix)

Contains spoilers for 'Desperate Lies' Episode 16 on Netflix

BRASÍLIA, BRAZIL: 'Desperate Lies' is peaking in intensity, and Episode 16 seems to tie up all remaining plot threads.

'Desperate Lies' follows Liana's (Juliana Paes) journey after she uncovers her husband Tomás' (Vladimir Brichta) infidelity. Distraught, she seeks solace in alcohol and drugs at a club, where she becomes a victim of sexual assault by Oscar (Felipe Abib), her friend's brother. The aftermath reveals a surprising pregnancy: Liana is carrying twins, each with genetic ties to both Tomás and Oscar.

Liana delivers two babies: Mateus, who is Tomás's child, and Marcos, who is Oscar's child. Over time, Tomás comes to accept Mateus as his biological child but continues to treat Marcos poorly.

In Episode 14, Marco meets with a tragic accident that leaves him in a coma. In Episode 15, it is revealed that Marcos has suffered memory loss, impacting his ability to recall certain aspects of his life.

In 'Desperate Lies' Episode 16, Liana's sons finally learn a shocking truth. Let's discuss key events from Episode 16.

Marcos finally learns the truth about his life in Episode 16

Liana's brave confession sparks a community movement, empowering others to confront their own truths and seek justice (@netflix)
Marcos and Mateus learn a truth in 'Desperate Lies' Episode 16 (@netflix)

Marcos has been battling with memory loss, causing him to forget crucial memories about his father. This loss has left him grappling with gaps in his understanding of his own life and family history.

However, in Episode 16, one of Marcos' bullies from school shows him a video of Tomás confessing that Liana cheated and Marcos is not his son.

In the heat of the moment, Marcos' memories flood back, overwhelming him with the pain and betrayal he felt. His brother Mateus stands there, shocked and defensive, as Marcos confronts him, accusing him of lying and causing his suffering. Marcos starts beating Mateus. Liana, seeing the chaos, rushes to the scene and stops them. 

As Marcos and Mateus confront the aftermath of their explosive confrontation, their relationship begins to deteriorate. In the upcoming episode, Marcos may decide to take a break and step away from everything for a while.

A still from the show 'Desperate Lies' (@netflix)
Juliana Paes as Liana in a still from 'Desperate Lies' (@netflix)

Marcos, dealing with health challenges from his coma and memory loss, requires a supportive environment to recover. He may leave his mother and brother for a while.

However, it will deeply affect Liana as she has always prioritized the happiness and unity of their family above all else.

Startling truth could change everything in 'Desperate Lies'

A still from the show 'Desperate Lies' (@netflix)
Liana finally tells her secret to her sons in 'Desperate Lies' Episode 16 (@netflix)

Throughout her life, Liana's children believed she had a relationship with Oscar that led to her unique pregnancy. However, in Episode 16, Liana courageously reveals the truth to her sons: Oscar had sexually assaulted her.

After learning the truth, Marcos may begin to realize that his mother, Liana, is not at fault for the circumstances surrounding her pregnancy. Marcos may start to hate his real father, whom he had thought was kind. 

Marcos may realize that his mother's silence was not deceit but a painful attempt to protect him from the harsh realities of the past. He may finally accept his mother.

Tomás has falsely accused Liana of cheating on him. Now, free from fear, Liana and her sons may work together to bring the truth to light.

Vladimir Brichta as Tomás in a still from 'Desperate Lies' (@netflix)
Vladimir Brichta as Tomás in a still from 'Desperate Lies' (@netflix)

Together, they may embark on a mission to reveal the real story to the world, determined to restore Liana's tarnished reputation. Liana's newfound courage in confronting the injustice could lead to legal consequences for Tomás, potentially resulting in him facing charges and serving time in jail.

Now, with Liana and her sons united in their quest for truth, their bond may strengthen as they face adversity together.

'Desperate Lies' Episode 16 is now streaming on Netflix