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'Desperate Lies' Review: Netflix's Brazilian drama will leave you exhausted and bugged

Gripping yet draining Netflix's 'Desperate Lies' offers a complex family saga
Netflix's 'Desperate Lies' will leave you satisfied or spent (@netflix)
Netflix's 'Desperate Lies' will leave you satisfied or spent (@netflix)

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL: Netflix released 'Desperate Lies' on July 5, 2024, a Brazilian drama that delves deep into the complexities of motherhood and the weight of secrets. Anchored by Juliana Paes and Paloma Duarte, the film unfolds around Liana, whose life becomes strangled in a web of deception.

The narrative probes the profound journey of motherhood, exploring Liana's unwavering love for her children amid the challenges of pregnancy and childbirth. The trailer hinted at the emotional stakes, as Liana grapples with the hidden truth that threatens to unravel her carefully constructed life.

Directed by Angela Chaves, 'Desperate Lies,' also known as 'Pedaço de Mim,' promises to blend romance and drama against the backdrop of Brazilian culture. With a stellar cast including Felipe Abib, the film aims to captivate audiences with its intimate portrayal of familial bonds tested by secrets and sacrifice.

'Desperate Lies' is bogged with secrets, guilt, and a whole lotta drama

A still from the show 'Desperate Lies' (@netflix)
A still from the show 'Desperate Lies' (@netflix)

'Desperate Lies' offers a compelling exploration of familial betrayal, complex relationships, and the unraveling of deep-seated secrets. The series begins with Liana's shocking discovery of her husband Tomás' infidelity, setting the stage for a night that ends in trauma and life-altering consequences.

As Liana grapples with her pregnancy and the revelation that she is carrying twins by different fathers, the plot delves into themes of deception, guilt, and resilience. Throughout the series, Liana's crisis deepens as she navigates tangled family secrets and the emotional turmoil of her situation.

The birth of the twins brings new challenges, including Tomás' confrontation with his own past actions and the disruptive influence of Oscar, whose sinister presence looms over the family. The narrative is further enriched by the supporting characters, whose lives intertwine with Liana's in unexpected ways.

As the series progresses, Tomás' incarceration and subsequent release highlight themes of redemption and the struggle to move forward. The family is forced to confront painful truths and navigate new beginnings while dealing with the repercussions of past actions.

Binge-worthy drama or an exhausting marathon? Or Both?

A still from the show 'Desperate Lies' (@netflix)
A still from the show 'Desperate Lies' (@netflix)

'Desperate Lies' focuses on the healing process and the difficult conversations that pave the way for emotional reconciliation. As Liana reveals painful truths to Marcos, the series moves towards a resolution that balances hope with the lingering shadows of the past.

While the 17 episodes provide a gripping and emotionally charged experience, the intricate plot and well-developed characters come at a cost: a potentially exhausting journey. Some viewers might find the pacing a hurdle, and the sheer volume of the story could leave you feeling emotionally drained by the time the credits roll.

However, the exploration of complex themes, combined with strong performances and compelling storytelling, ensures that viewers who persevere will remain engaged. Ultimately, 'Desperate Lies' is a good but 'lengthy' watch for those who appreciate intricate family dramas and the unraveling of deep-seated secrets, but honestly be prepared for a marathon, not a sprint.

Juliana Paes steals the show in 'Desperate Lies'

A still from the show 'Desperate Lies' (@netflix)
A still from the show 'Desperate Lies' (@netflix)

Juliana Paes shines in 'Desperate Lies,' skillfully portraying Liana with a perfect balance of vulnerability and strength. She tackles the intense emotional journey of betrayal and family conflicts with a captivating presence. Paes makes Liana's struggles feel real, drawing viewers into her character's revelations and the tough consequences she faces.

Her performance goes beyond acting, bringing sincerity and depth to Liana's inner turmoil and growth throughout the series. Whether dealing with painful truths or seeking emotional healing, Paes handles each scene with authenticity and conviction. Her versatility shines through, making every moment compelling and heartfelt.

In 'Desperate Lies,' Juliana Paes proves herself as a top talent in Brazilian television, leaving a lasting impression with her powerful portrayal of a woman navigating through life's complex challenges and emotional highs and lows.

'Desperate Lies' is available for streaming on Netflix.