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'Desperate Lies' Episode 14 Takeaway: Can Tomás accept Marcos? Tragic accident may bring major changes

'Desperate Lies' follows Liana as her unique pregnancy causes turmoil in her marriage
Tomás's perspective on Marcos may shift after an accident in 'Desperate Lies' Episode 14 (@netflix)
Tomás's perspective on Marcos may shift after an accident in 'Desperate Lies' Episode 14 (@netflix)

Contains spoilers for 'Desperate Lies' Episode 14 on Netflix

BRASÍLIA, BRAZIL: 'Desperate Lies' is getting more intense with each episode as Liana's (Juliana Paes) past continues to profoundly affect her present circumstances.

In 'Desperate Lies,' after discovering that Tomás (Vladimir Brichta) is cheating on her, Liana goes to a club and consumes alcohol and drugs. Subsequently, Liana's friend's brother, Oscar (Felipe Abib), sexually assaults her. Later on, she becomes pregnant with two babies, each with DNA from Tomás and Oscar.

Soon, Liana delivers two babies: Mateus, who is Tomás's child, and Marcos, who is Oscar's child. As time goes by, Tomás accepts Mateus as his own child, but he does not treat Marcos nicely.

In Episode 13, Marcos goes to Débora's (Martha Nowill) bar after learning that he is Oscar's child. He finally understands why Tomás never fully accepted him.

At a bar, he sees a man stealing money and argues with him, causing havoc, and also brandishes a knife. Mateus arrives at the scene, leading to violence, and they both end up at the police station.

'Desperate Lies' Episode 14 intensifies the drama even further. So, let's jump in!

Tomás's actions deeply affect Marcos in Episode 14

Vladimir Brichta as Tomás in a still from 'Desperate Lies' (@netflix)
Vladimir Brichta as Tomás in a still from 'Desperate Lies' (@netflix)

In 'Desperate Lies' Episode 14, Tomás's actions deeply affect Marcos, as he grants bail to Mateus but not to Marcos. This differential treatment exacerbates Marcos's feelings of rejection and resentment, highlighting the strained relationship between him and Tomás.

Tomás's lack of sympathy for Marcos suggests that he may never fully accept him as his own child. Marcos also discovers that Tomás killed his father, Oscar, after learning the truth. This revelation intensifies Marcos's hatred toward both Tomás and his mother.

Feeling abandoned and despised by Tomás could lead Marcos to rebel or act out in ways that seek attention or validation. The impact of such tumultuous family dynamics on a young mind like Marcos's could result in unforeseen consequences, both for himself and those around him.

Marcos faces tough challenges because he knows he doesn't have a father. This, along with bullying at school, puts a lot of pressure on him. These struggles could lead to mental health issues.

Tomás's actions have become unbearable to watch as he records a confession revealing that Liana cheated on him and Marcos is not his biological son. This explosive revelation, captured in a viral video, exacerbates Marcos's existing problems and plunges their family into deeper turmoil.

Juliana Paes as Liana and Vladimir Brichta as Tomás in a still from 'Desperate Lies' (@netflix)
Juliana Paes as Liana and Vladimir Brichta as Tomás in a still from 'Desperate Lies' (@netflix)

Moreover, Liana finds herself thrust into a public and deeply personal crisis, navigating the fallout of Tomás's confession while trying to shield Marcos from the harsh realities of public scrutiny. 

As Tomás's confession spreads virally, people may begin to mock Liana and Marcos without knowing the full truth. Liana may face accusations of betrayal and deception, with people questioning her integrity and character based on Tomás's accusations.

Could Marcos's accident bring him closer to Tomás?

Vladimir Brichta as Tomás in a still from 'Desperate Lies' (@netflix)
Vladimir Brichta as Tomás in a still from 'Desperate Lies' (@netflix)

In a fit of rage, Marcos crashes his bicycle in the middle of the road, resulting in severe bleeding. He is quickly transported to the hospital for emergency treatment. 

The medical team works urgently to stabilize Marcos as his condition deteriorates. Liana and Silvia (Paloma Duarte) arrive at the hospital to meet Marcos.

As Marcos lies unconscious, the possibility lingers that this crisis could serve as a catalyst for reconciliation. However, Tomás refuses to visit Marcos at the hospital. 

Tomás's inability to accept Marcos, even in the wake of such a serious accident, suggests that their strained relationship may be irreparable. If this tragic event cannot soften Tomás's heart or prompt him to reconcile with Marcos, nothing ever will. 

Tomás's persistent hatred and refusal to reconcile will not only lead to his own downfall but also severely impact Marcos's mental health. Marcos, who yearns for nothing more than love and acceptance, will only get hatred from Tomás. 

This situation deeply affects Liana, as she desires nothing but the best for her sons amidst the turmoil they face. Seeing Marcos struggle with Tomás's rejection and the emotional fallout from their strained relationship could affect her health.

Will Marcos recover from his coma and how might this impact his relationship with Tomás? Only time will tell.

'Desperate Lies' Episode 14 is now streaming on Netflix