'DC's Legends of Tomorrow' Season 5 Episode 7: Damien Darhk is a terrible dad and an even worse matchmaker

Spoiler alert for 'DC's Legends of Tomorrow' Season 5 Episode 7 'Mr Parker's Cul-De-Sac'
Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough) is easily one of the best supervillains the Arrowverse has ever seen and a real fan-favorite from the very first time he appeared on 'Arrow'.
The latest episode of 'DC's Legends of Tomorrow' Season 5 'Mr Parker's Cul-De-Sac' finally brought his story to a close and showed just how much he loves his daughter Nora Darhk (Courtney Ford) but that still doesn't change the fact that he was almost comically horrible at parenting.
It's not that he never loved Nora. In fact, most of his actions throughout the time we've seen him have stemmed from his love for his daughter but the episode reveals that he was never really good at communicating that love. Or even being around, for that matter.
In the episode, Nora reveals that Damien left her to be raised by a demon cult and may have also killed all her friends when she was a child. If that doesn't sound like terrible parenting, what does?
Ultimately though, Damien did realize the error of his ways and get some semblance of redemption, even if it did involve erasing himself from existence. While we may forgive him for being such a bad dad to Nora, we're definitely not going to forget it and neither are we going to forget just how hilariously bad he was at matchmaking.
When Damien first shows up in the episode, Nora is so terrified of him killing her friends that she pretends to be in love with John Constantine (Matt Ryan), which for some twisted reason makes Damien as happy as a clam.
He actually goes so far as to call Constantine, the brutish alcoholic warlock with serious intimacy and hygiene issues, "marriage material".
So yes, Damien Darhk was a terrible father, a worse matchmaker and possibly one of the best villains we'll ever get in the Arrowverse. And as much as it pains us to admit it, we really are going to miss him.
'DC's Legends of Tomorrow' Season 5 airs new episodes every Tuesday at 9/8 c exclusively on The CW.