'Legends of Tomorrow' Season 5: If Vandal Savage gets his Encore, would he still be an immortal villain?

Spoilers for 'DC's Legends of Tomorrow' Season 5 Episode 10 'The Great British Fake-Off'.
The latest episode of 'DC's Legends of Tomorrow' Season 5 dropped some major revelations and teased a lot more to come. One of the biggest things the episode teased was the return of Vandal Savage (Casper Crump), with his soul coin seen to be in the possession of Astra Logue (Olivia Swann).
Now that Astra seems to be working with the Legends, she hopefully won't unleash Vandal Savage back on the world. However, if things do go south as they usually do with the team and Savage returns as an Encore, that does raise some interesting questions.
The last time we saw Savage, he had become a much kinder person thanks to his time in Hell but there's no telling whether he would be the same if returned to life. After all, the Encores are tasked with bringing evil to the world of the living so perhaps he might be the nicest villain ever but still a villain nonetheless.
Then there's the problem of Savage's powers. Before his eventual death, Savage was functionally immortal and if he is returned as an Encore, there's no telling whether he would retain that immortality or not. While his long life was dependent on him killing the reincarnations of Chay-Ara /Hawkgirl (Ciara Renée) and Khufu / Hawkman (Falk Hentschel), being killed and resurrected may change the rules in ways we can't predict.
Right now, the Legends have an arsenal of soul-destroying weapons that can take out a normal Encore but whether they would work on an immortal like Savage is a different question altogether. In fact, if he does return as an immortal villain again, chances are he'll end up sticking around long after the Encore problem and the Loom of Fate storyline are resolved.
Perhaps Savage may become the villain for the next season of the show. Perhaps he might end up becoming an important ally. Only time will tell which of these possibilities become a reality for our time-hopping superheroes.
'DC's Legends of Tomorrow' Season 5 airs new episodes every Tuesday at 9 pm ET, exclusively on The CW.