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'Dark Matter' Episode 6 Takeaway: Ryan Holder's disappearance into multiverse could spark Jason 2 endgame

Jason 2's sinister act against Ryan Holder in 'Dark Matter' Episode 6 sets path for a nail-biting drama ahead
Ryan Holder gets in trouble after Daniela Dessen shares her concerns about Jason Dessen in 'Dark Matter' Episode 6 (@appletv+)
Ryan Holder gets in trouble after Daniela Dessen shares her concerns about Jason Dessen in 'Dark Matter' Episode 6 (@appletv+)

Contains spoilers for 'Dark Matter'

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS: 'Dark Matter', streaming on Apple TV+, witnesses major twists in Episode 6 aired on June 5, 2024. In the previous episodes, we saw Jason 2 trying to blend into Jason 1's reality by learning about his life via social media posts, calendar etc.

He was harmless to the people around him until the latest episode where he channels his inner devil to safeguard his secret.

Daniela Dessen (Jennifer Connelly) has been noticing her husband's odd behavior ever since he attended Ryan Holder's (Jimmi Simpson) party in a nearby club.

When Jason Dessen (Joel Edgerton) missed their yearly ritual of sitting by the tree in their backyard to mourn for their dead son, Max, Daniela knew that something about Jason had changed.

Suspicion is further fueled when Jason 2 feeds their son, Charlie (Oakes Fegley) an ice cream that contains nuts and it triggers his allergies. Daniela also observes needle marks on Jason 2's arm which prompts her to discover the truth.

What happens to Ryan Holder in 'Dark Matter' Episode 6?

Joel Edgerton and Jimmi Simpson in 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)
Joel Edgerton and Jimmi Simpson in 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)

When Daniela follows Jason 2 to his hidden storage unit, she finds the used ampoules and takes them to her friend Ryan Holder.

Though he acts ignorant in front of her, he confronts Jason 2 and accuses him of stealing his research. Jason 2 claims that he hasn't stolen his work and that he has succeeded in making the drug that could bring a revolution.

When Ryan asks about the application of the drug, Jason 2 takes him to the box and introduces him to his invention.

Through the infinite corridor, Jason 2 takes Ryan to a beautiful reality where aurora lights are hovering over Chicago city.

Ryan soon realizes that he isn't their Jason but instead an alternate version of him.

While Ryan promises not to reveal his secret, Jason 2 closes the door of the box, leaving Ryan in another reality.

How does Ryan Holder's disappearance change the course of 'Dark Matter'?

Joel Edgerton and Jennifer Connelly in 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)
Joel Edgerton and Jennifer Connelly in 'Dark Matter' (@appletv+)

With no access to magic pills, Ryan is now trapped in another reality forever. Meanwhile, Jason 2 has sealed the box to stop Jason from ever returning to Reality 1.

While Jason 2 believes that he has secured his secret, he remains unaware that Daniela is already suspicious of him.

She has confided about her husband's behavior to Ryan Holder and Blair Caplan (Amanda Brugel). Once she notices Ryan's disappearance, she will most likely pursue the mystery herself.

She has already located the place where he has kept his box and it's only a matter of time when she finally realizes that Jason 2 isn't who he appears to be.

Jason 2's sinister act against Ryan also showcases that Jason 2 could go to any lengths to protect his secret. His selfishness has driven him into Jason's reality, and it is this same selfishness that has been creating rifts between him and Daniela.

The episode underscores that a person's future is shaped by the choices they make. Although Jason 2 has taken a beautiful reality from his alternate self, now enjoying a wonderful wife and son, his daily choices have been driving him away from them.

Despite physically taking Jason's place, his self-centeredness and ego prevent him from fully replacing him, ultimately leading to the destruction of Jason's beautiful life as well.

'Dark Matter' is available to stream on Apple TV+.