'Dare Me' Episode 4: Coach Colette's regression has her scrambling in her professional and personal life

This article contains spoilers for 'Dare Me' Episode 1-4
Coach Colette's personal affairs, unfortunately, merged with her professional ones when Beth and Addy, two girls on her cheerleading squad found her doing a little more than canoodling with Sergeant Will — she's married, hence, the drama.
In Episode 4, we find out Colette's history with Will, and how it came to be that they found themselves back together in the same town they went to high school in. Her, with a new job, and him, training well-needed recruits to join the military. Thing is, she moved on with her love life while he, as he said, "ended up alone".
Colette's relationship with Addy had strengthened over these past four episodes because Addy fantasizes about a fairytale happy ending for the scandalous couple and keeps the secret.
Hiding from Beth, Addy babysits for Colette while she visits Will, getting free individual practices in return. As this friendship grows, the relationship between Colette and Addy conforms to a relationship in which they confide in each other. Sharing charm bracelets and Addy driving Coach back from her rendezvous, Colette regressed back to her life as a cheerleader herself. Being 'free' as she called it, she missed being free with no complications. Ironically, the trio — Colette, Beth and Addy — are nothing but complicated.
As Coach tries to use rebuilding exercises in the squad gym to build unbreakable bonds between the girls, she throws in a little boozy get together at her place to seem approachable. The trust she gained from Addy and Beth not revealing her secret, yet, allowed her to get too close to the teenage life. Starting to relive her younger self through the lens of these youngsters who put her up on a pedestal — minus Beth, who doesn't show up to these noisy parties — she starts to spiral.
You give teenagers a slice, and they want the whole pie and Coach may have bit off more than she could chew. While locked away in a room with Sergeant Will inside school halls, she dwells in a sweet awkward moment and suddenly remembers she forgot to pick up her daughter. Her husband, now noticing too much going awry, is upset but Colette realizes, even in her unreasonable rage, that she had messed up indeed. Reviving an old flame while nursing a young family is too heavy of a burden to bear, and now she has a squad to keep tight ties with.
As her personal life comes to a slower than steady pace, her free natured spirit with these girls has allowed them to want to come to her during their time of need. You know, when drunk Beth needs a place to crash and Addy can't take her home to her mother, who's a cop.
Her husband may have said it best, he wants a wife, not a "wild teenage girl out to prove something". While Coach tries to tug at loose ends while living two lives — she could lose more than her marriage, she could lose her coveted spot at the top of the pyramid.