Pandemic Playlist: Our top 5 songs by drag queens celebrating Pride Month 2020

Pride Month has hit and what better way to celebrate its arrival other than words from the queens of the community, more specifically, the drag queens themselves. Check out our five top tracks written by drag queens on today's Pandemic Playlist.
Bob the Drag Queen: 'Purse First' (feat. DJ Mitch Ferrino)
Season Eight winner of 'RuPaul’s Drag Race', Bob the Drag Queen debuted his 'Purse First' single the same day he won the reality competition TV series in 2017. The song is a homage to the catchphrase the singer coined on the show. In the first episode, he made his outfit so quickly that he used his extra time to make a purse and then showcased it on his runway walk, strutting purse first. In an interview with The Daily Beast, he shared, "When I was younger I used to make wallets and purses out of newspaper and I would give them out to people," adding, "My whole life I’ve been purse first."
Alaska Thunderf**k: 'Your Makeup Is Terrible'
"A mixture of Britney Spears and Divine," according to her and another winner of the 'All Stars' edition of 'RuPaul's Drag Race', Alaska Thunderf**k released her hit track 'Your Makeup is Terrible' from her debut studio album 'Anus' in 2015. Alaska became a memorable and widely loved competitor on the show and even had Ru Paul repeating her high-pitched greeting, "hieee" on occasion. Listen to 'Your Makeup Is Terrible' below to hear it for yourself.
RuPaul: 'Sissy That Walk'
We couldn't go dedicating songs to drag queens without including the most celebrated drag queen himself. 'Sissy That Walk' comes from RuPaul's seventh studio album, 'Born Naked', which released in 2014. The phrase "Sissy That Walk" came to RuPaul by way of his friend, writer Rich Juzwiak, who heard a parent screaming the line at their kid in a child beauty pageant, according to Billboard. In the video, the singer struts in a catsuit to a pulsating dance tune. Watch it below.
The AAA Girls: 'AAA'
A drag queen supergroup, The American Apparel Ad Girls, (commonly abbreviated as The AAA Girls) consists of members Alaska Thunderfuck 5000, Courtney Act and Willam Belli. Their hit single 'AAA' released in 2017 from their studio album 'Access All Areas'. The music video sees the trio donning a host of colorful outfits over bubblegum dance-pop in this catchy number.
Trixie Mattel: 'Break Your Heart'
More emotional in lyrics than your usual pride bopper, Trixie Mattel's 'Break Your Heart' gets a juxtaposed feel-good country-pop theme as Mattel sings, "I never meant to break your heart. I never meant to pull you apart but I'd do it all over again. I never meant to break your heart, but I'd do it again." 'Break Your Heart' released in 2018 and won The Screen Queen Award at The WOWIE Awards.
Pandemic Playlist is a daily list of songs that will keep you entertained instead of feeling drained while you're isolated at home. Look out for a fresh selection of great tunes from MEAWW to refresh your mood every day!