Anthony Chavez: Colorado dad assaults school security after son forced to wear mask

DENVER, COLORADO: A father has been placed on house arrest after he spent two nights behind bars for allegedly assaulting a member of Denver Public Schools (DPS) security on the Lowry Elementary School campus. Anthony Chavez apparently had the altercation with the security because he was not happy with the school’s mask mandate that forced his seven-year-old son to cover his face all the time despite Colorado Governor Jarid Polis’ announcement.
Polis said on December 10 that “the [Covid] emergency is over” and revoked the indoor mask rule. Soon after the governor’s announcement, Chavez reportedly made it clear to his son Chase’s school that he would no longer wear masks inside the campus.
The 42-year-old told The Gateway Pundit, “I had been patiently waiting to see a crack in the door. When Gov Polis announced that no public health official has the right to tell anyone what to wear, I respect your choice. To me, no mayor, no city ordinance, no district school policy overrides the state’s declaration of the end of the pandemic. I let them know, per the governor’s order, Chase will not wear a mask.”
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But the father alleged that the school’s administrators refused to follow the governor. He said, “I first made my decision clear to the Assistant Principal/Interim Principal LaZedrick Jemison. Jemison referred me to the organization, F.A.C.E, to debate the issue. F.A.C.E, Denver Public School’s ‘equity and engagement’ division, acts only as the school’s ‘buffer zone’ and keeps them shielded. They pretend to be sympathetic, then they offer you money for food assistance to make you go away. Most of its members are single moms who nod and shake their heads – but these complaints never go anywhere, never reach a school board member or your district rep. It’s just honey pot.”
But Chavez did not stop there and decided to meet the principal’s supervisor, District Instructional Supervisor Kevin King. The single dad stated, “I basically escalated my situation to his boss, Kevin King. I recorded him. He tried to convince me to keep the mask on Chase and told me his lawyers are working with his health partners to create health guidance for schools and children. Then he noticed I was recording, asked me if I am recording and stepped closer with a cheesy grin. He asked me, ‘What can we do to get Chase to wear a mask?’ I said, ‘No. I want to know who these people making these decisions are.’ He mumbled under his breath, ‘I can’t believe you’d do this to a 7-year-old.’ And I thought to myself, ‘I’m wondering the same thing about you, sir.’”
Chavez claimed that nothing helped and Chase was asked or forced almost everyday to wear the face mask. The man continued, “Chase’s teacher began putting window screens around him and around his desk. I instructed Chase to kindly put the windows next to the trash and not allow himself to be separated. They were attempting to have him sit six feet away from the other children while they were in their ‘numbers corner.’ They made him walk in front of the other kids as they walked through the halls to art class. I found out and I said, ‘That is not going to happen anymore and put a stop to it.’”
However, things took a turn for the worse after Christmas break when Chavez was told he was barred from entering the school’s premises. Then on January 25, his second-grader son was not allowed to enter the gymnasium. The father explained, “Janice Spearmen, the Special Assignment Interim Principal, called me insisting I encourage Chance to wear a mask in the gym. I said, ‘I just can’t go along with it anymore, Jan. I’m sorry.’ The most shocking part about it is, when I picked my son up, they had DPS security there already, Denver Public School security. When Spearman called me she knew I was not going to cooperate with that. My son was looking for a way to get back in. He was going to try another door. A couple of his friends helped him escape from the security people. This is what they have done because I have recognized my parental rights.”
And, on January 27 Chavez had a brawl with a DPS guard. The Gateway Pundit said that the guard assaulted the parent and wrestled him to the ground. The report quoting Chavez added, “This guy, security guard Robert Grossaint, followed me. I was recording. That morning at drop off, I gave my son a hug. My son walks into the building and Grossaint, a chief deputy who had harassed me 13 days in a row, told me, ‘You’ve been given a notice. You can’t trespass here. You can go to jail.’”
“Get your hands off me, get your hands off me!’ At this point I turned around; my back was facing the public property – not to be held there captive. My instincts kicked in. This individual has been waiting for this conflict, he initiated the conflict, and he initiated the physical contact. I had several opportunities to punch this guy, but I didn’t. I was trying to record at the same time. I fended them both off,” Chavez added.
But CBS Denver said Chavez fought with the guard after which he was arrested and on January 29 was put on house arrest. Authorities are now probing whether he “interfered with a school operation,” “misdemeanor assault” charges and “trespassing,” a police report obtained by The Gateway Pundit stated.
Talking about the confinement, Chavez said: “I can’t leave my house to get groceries. I have stale bread over here, it’s getting moldy. I mean, I am using marinara sauce from last night, from a calzone that someone brought me, that I’m using for ingredients. I can’t go to work. I can’t take him to school. I can’t go to the grocery store – it’s a block and a half away. And I’m sitting here. I can’t take out the trash. The only family I have is my 86-year-old grandmother to help take care of my son. And my son is getting zero education right now.”