Closed Eyes Filter: How to try mind-blowing viral challenge?

TikTok has become an incredibly popular social media platform over the past few years with millions of users flocking to it every day to see the latest trends and challenges. While some fads come and go, there are a select few filters that remain a firm favorite among users. Enter the closed-eyes filter, the latest craze to take over TikTok.
But what exactly is the closed-eyes challenge and why is everyone talking about it? Well, to put it simply, it involves using the closed-eyes filter to create a playful and humorous video. The filter itself is easy to use, and all you need to do is activate it and wait for it to scan your face. Once it's complete, the filter will cause your eyes to close, giving you a hilarious and adorable appearance.
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How to try mind-blowing viral challenge?
@brookeshieldsofficial Kids these days think they’re so clever… 🧐 #closedeyeschallenge #prankster ♬ original sound - Brooke Shields
Here's how it works: after applying the filter, you ask someone to stand behind you and hold up a particular number of fingers. Even though your eyes aren't actually closed, the filter creates the illusion that they are. But, since you can see through the filter, you'll be able to tell exactly how many fingers are held up. And, presto - your audience will marvel at your self-professed psychic abilities!
It's not just ordinary users who have joined in on the fun - numerous celebrities have also hopped onto the closed-eyes bandwagon. From Ed Sheeran to Brooke Shields, famous faces have been sharing videos of themselves taking on the challenge. Even the Blue Lagoon actress herself got involved, but her daughters had a surprise in store for her! If you're looking for a surefire way to brighten up your day, look no further than the closed-eyes challenge. This viral sensation is a hilarious way to bring some fun and laughter into your life, and who knows - maybe you'll even discover your own psychic abilities along the way!
Why is this trend getting viral?
The closed-eyes challenge has taken TikTok by storm, captivating users all over the world with its hilarious results. This filter, which first gained massive popularity in November 2022, is utterly ingenious. It's a simple idea, yet it results in an incredible outcome that has us all doubled over with laughter. The closed-eyes challenge has quickly gained popularity on the platform with users all over the world joining in on the fun. Some people have even taken it a step further by using the filter in a variety of creative ways, such as in group challenges or by incorporating it into dance routines.
The closed-eyes challenge is a fun and lighthearted way to connect with others on the platform and showcase your creativity. With so much going on in the world these days, sometimes it's nice to take a step back and enjoy something as simple as a funny filter with friends. So if you're looking for a new way to join in on the fun on TikTok, why not give the closed-eyes challenge a try? Who knows, you might just end up creating the next viral TikTok trend.