China hails its swift response to coronavirus, says it wasted no time in informing WHO, US and other nations

Under fire for its early mishandling of the coronavirus outbreak, China has defended its actions in a detailed account stating that its response was swift and it immediately notified the World Health Organization (WHO) and relevant countries, including the US.
The white paper says that China “wasted no time” in releasing information such as the whole coronavirus genome sequence and the specific primers and probes for detecting the coronavirus to the WHO and other relevant countries and regional organizations, and has kept them informed with regular updates. Its claim contrasts with criticism by other countries, and the US in particular, that the Chinese government was slow to release key information needed to develop tests, drugs, and a vaccine. A recent report also claimed that the WHO struggled to get crucial information from China about the novel coronavirus during the critical early days in January.
“As soon as cases of pneumonia of unknown cause were identified in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China acted immediately to conduct etiological and epidemiological investigations and to stop the spread of the disease and promptly reported the situation. In a timely manner, China informed the WHO and other countries, including the US, of the developing situation, and released the genome sequence of the novel coronavirus,” says the white paper. It says that “certain countries” ignored this information, and now blame China for their “own failure to respond to the epidemic and protect their people's lives.” “Those who are intent on maligning others will easily find a pretext. China has always acted with openness, transparency and responsibility,” says the report even as the number of confirmed deaths from Covid-19 has topped 400,000 globally. Over 7,007,940 Covid-19 cases have been reported worldwide as of June 8.
While China has been accused of covering up during the early days of the outbreak in Wuhan, the report says China released “authoritative and detailed information” as early as possible, thus “effectively responding” to public concern and building public consensus. “Its experience is something other countries can draw on in their fight against the virus,” it adds.
President Donald Trump has repeatedly alleged that Chinese officials ignored their reporting obligations to the WHO and pressured the organization to mislead the world when the virus was first discovered by Chinese authorities. The paper says, “The baseless accusation that China concealed epidemic information and death figures is a calculated slur on the 1.4 billion Chinese people, including those killed by the virus, and on millions of Chinese medical workers. China categorically rejects any such accusation.”
The report says China is ready to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with other countries including the US to jointly tackle this pandemic, especially in the fields of research, development, production, and distribution of vaccines and drugs. “China calls on the international community to come together, abandon prejudice and arrogance, resist scapegoating and other such self-serving artifices, and stand against stigmatization and politicization of the virus. In doing so we will see that the spirit of solidarity, cooperation, responsibility, and dedication leads people around the world towards victory in our fight against the pandemic,” it says.

The report, which details a day-to-day account of China’s response, starting December 27, 2019, says that the Wuhan City Health Commission (WCHC) issued information regarding viral pneumonia of unknown cause, reporting a total of 44 cases, on January 3. It says from that day onwards, China began updating WHO, relevant countries and regional organizations, on a regular basis. According to the given timeline, on January 4, the head of China’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) held a telephone conversation with the director of the US CDC, briefing him about “the new pneumonia.” The two sides “agreed to keep in close contact on information sharing and cooperation on technical matters.” This is days before the Chinese health authorities and the WHO announced on January 9 the discovery of the novel coronavirus, which was confirmed as the agent responsible for the Wuhan cases.
According to the paper, subsequently, on January 5, the WCHC updated information on its website, reporting a total of 59 cases of viral pneumonia of unknown cause. Laboratory tests ruled out respiratory pathogens as the cause, such as influenza, avian influenza, adenovirus, the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus, and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus. China sent a situation update to the WHO on January 5, following which the organization released its first briefing on cases of pneumonia of unknown cause in Wuhan.
“On January 7, China CDC succeeded in isolating the first novel coronavirus strain. (On January 8), an expert evaluation team designated by the National Health Commission (NHC) initially identified a new coronavirus as the cause of the disease. The heads of the China and US CDCs held a telephone discussion on technical exchanges and cooperation,” it goes on to say.
On January 12, China submitted the genome sequence of the novel coronavirus to WHO. “Covid-19 is a new virus and it will take time for humanity to understand it completely. In its quest for victory over the coronavirus, China has been mapping its own route to success - one based on reliable experience, tailored to its national conditions, and rooted in sound epidemiological practice. China has given full support to factual and scientific research on virus infection, pathogenesis, transmission routes, and transmissibility while maintaining exchanges and communication with the WHO and other countries and regions,” says the report.

While the report shares no new information on where the virus originated, it emphasizes that determining Covid-19’s origin is a scientific issue that requires research by scientists and doctors and that any conclusion must be based on “facts and evidence.” Without naming any particular country, the paper says it is “both irresponsible and immoral” to play the blame game in an attempt to cover up one's own shortcomings. “China will never accept any frivolous lawsuits or compensation claims,” it adds. Despite no evidence, Trump has said he has seen evidence that the new coronavirus originated in a Chinese lab.
“In the face of a virus that is spreading worldwide, China has offered help to other countries to the best of its ability. It is doing so out of the kindness of its people, the empathy they have with people of other countries suffering from the pandemic, the humanitarian spirit of helping each other amid disasters, and its sense of responsibility as a major country. China is not exporting its model, nor is it pursuing selfish geopolitical interests,” says the paper.
While the WHO’s response to the pandemic has also been criticized, the white paper praises the organization and says that since Covid-19 struck, the agency has “diligently performed its duties, adopted an objective and impartial stance, and taken a slew of professional, science-based, and effective measures.”
“It (WHO) has made a significant contribution to the fight against the pandemic by leading and advancing global cooperation. China firmly supports the WHO in playing the leading role in this global battle, and calls on the international community to give it more political and financial support, so that we can mobilize the necessary resources worldwide to defeat this virus,” it says. The report emphasizes that all countries should implement their response under the guidance and coordination of the WHO. This includes supporting scientists around the world in studying the origin and transmission routes of the virus, adopting science-based, rationale and well-coordinated prevention and control measures and stepping up information sharing and experience exchanges.