'Chicago Med' Season 5 Fall Finale: Fans devastated as Daniel, Robin and Sharon prepare for Caroline 'CeCe' Charles' death

When Paula Newsome made her debut as Dr Daniel Charles' (Oliver Platt) ex-wife and Dr Robin Charles' (Mekia Cox) mother, Caroline "CeCe" Charles, in the fourth season of NBC's 'Chicago Med', viewers would not have expected her to become as dear to them as she did.
Over the course of the fourth season, Daniel and CeCe got closer and got remarried as the season ended. But it was bittersweet as we also found out that CeCe was battling cancer. At the beginning of Season 5, nurse Maggie Lockwood was also diagnosed with cancer, and we see CeCe volunteering at the hospital Maggie went to for treatments.
Through the first 9 episodes of Season 5 of 'Chicago Med', we got many great moments, not just between Daniel and CeCe, but also between CeCe and Maggie, and CeCe and Sharon Goodwin, the hospital administrator.
In the fall finale that aired this week, we see that CeCe is nearing the end of her days, and Daniel decides to take her away on a trip after a sort of "Bon Voyage" party for them and their friends they prepare to bid farewell to CeCe. Daniel broke down, and so did Sharon as Daniel tells her. When Robin insists on going for the trip as well, CeCe refuses, because as Daniel explains to Robin later, CeCe wants her daughter to remember her the way she is at the party.
Of course, fans were devastated at CeCe's and Daniel's story this episode as well. One fan tweeted, "Seeing Dr Charles and Robin crying and knowing that CeCe will leave them is so devastating. I'm so sad right now. It was a pleasure to meet you, CeCe. #ChicagoMed." Another fan wrote, "Wow. That scene with Sharon & Charles broke me. I’m crying. I don’t want Cece to go #ChicagoMed."
When 'Chicago Med' returns with new episodes in January 2020, it is likely the story will return after CeCe's passing. And though Paula Newsome's stint on 'Chicago Med' was way too short, her presence will be missed dearly.
'Chicago Med' will return with new episodes to NBC every Wednesday night on January 8, 2020.