'Charmed' Season 2 Episode 4 confirms fans' Darklighter theory, but what comes next?
In this week's episode titled 'Deconstructing Harry', 'Charmed' finally confirmed the much-discussed fan theory about the existence of Darklighters. When we saw the demon assassin's face in the first episode of the second season, multiple theories floated around, but only one had the most supporters -- that when the Elders created Whitelighter Harry, they had to create a Darklighter as well.
Harry and Maggie come across a vault in the Command Center early on in the episode which contained a magical drivers' license, a key, and an envelope with "Alpha" written on it, holding receipts for a Tulipe Institute. If that name seems familiar, it is because the Command Center is situated in a building that used to house the Tulipe Women's Asylum for suspected witches a long, long time ago.
Harry goes to the Tulipe Institute to see the patient mentioned on the receipts: a woman named Helen. Harry does not get much from her initially, but he uses the key to open a lockbox that belongs to her, when the nurse at the Institute tells him that her sister is with them as well, but much more unstable.
Harry quickly deduces that the other woman is not Helen's sister, but the darker version of her -- the great cost when a Whitelighter is created. Helen confirms that this was done to Harry as well.
Right now, we don't know what Darklighter Harry wants, except that he was collecting the strongest of different creatures for some purpose. If Whitelighter Harry's purpose is to help the witches and protect them, we are guessing that the Darklighter wants to spread chaos and torture witches.
At the end of this week's episode, the Darklighter also kidnapped Macy -- we think by now Macy should seriously work on keeping her guard up, she is way too trustworthy for her own good.
It is possible Dark Harry has feelings for Macy like normal Harry does, and perhaps he will be looking to bring her demon side in control and be with dark Macy.
'Charmed' airs on The CW on Friday nights.