'Charmed' Season 2 Episode 6: Will Harry's Darklighter and Whitelighter halves merge later this season?
The 'Charmed' reboot has done an interesting thing in exploring the lore behind Whitelighters and thereby introducing Darklighters. This season, we learned that when a Whitelighter is created, their dark halves are removed and trapped in prison so as not to be given a corporeal form. However, someone freed Harry's Darklighter and is controlling him now.
In this week's episode, we see what happens to Macy after she was whisked away by the Darklighter. At first, he tries pretending to be Whitelighter Harry, but Macy soon figures something is up. Unfortunately, the place they are in has been magicked up completely to prevent Macy from escaping.
We even got to see a human side to Dark Harry, and though he may be all the bad parts of Harry, he is also bold and charming as Macy tells her Whitelighter when he asks her what Dark Harry was like at the end of the episode.
After Macy is rescued, Whitelighter Harry goes back to finish off his dark half -- and he does so. However, like the Whitelighter cannot be killed off, it is the same for the Darklighter -- only, Whitelighter Harry does not realize it.
Harry does seem conflicted about killing off his dark half -- knowing his dark half suffered in being imprisoned, but also knowing that without his dark half, he cannot be whole.
This leads us to wonder whether further down the season, the two halves might merge to form one Harry. It seems unsustainable that both halves continue to live independently, forever at each others' throats.
If they do merge, what does that mean for Harry? Will he revert back to being James Westphall as he was in his human life or will he continue on as Harry? Moreover, being devoid of his dark half is what makes Harry who he is, and if they do merge, Harry's relationship with the Charmed Ones could be affected.
'Charmed' airs on The CW on Friday nights.