'Celebrity Family Feud': Kathie Lee Gifford's team leave Steve Harvey embarrassed about big lips and mustache

'Celebrity Family Feud' returned to TV for two back to back episodes on September 24. Kathie Lee Gifford and her family competed against Ricki Lane's family in the first episode. The former team was playing for Cody House and Cassidy's Place and at the end of the episode earned $25,000 for the two organizations.
It was a fun episode and the Emmy-award winning actress' family sure knew how to up the entertainment quotient with their funny answers and even funnier remarks. Right at the beginning, while host Steve Harvey was introducing the families and welcoming them to the show by shaking hands with them, Kathie said to Harvey that he had really moist hands.
She said it like a compliment and Harvey couldn't stop blushing and responded saying she could make him do anything but he doesn't do any kind of housework. This drew in a lot of laughs from the studio audience as well as the Gifford and Lane family. Gifford's son Cody and daughter-in-law actress Erika Brown got married two weeks ago and in the episode, Cody also told a rather goofy story about how they met.
He said that he met Erika on a blind date, leaving Harvey completely shocked. It was too much to take for the host and he said it was tough to believe that blind dates turn out this beautiful. To offer some consolation to Harvey who seemed to have never found great luck with dates of this nature, Erika told him that she threw up on Cody on their very first date.
Now coming to the questions that Gifford and Lane's teams had to answer, one of them was "name one complaint women might have with men's lips". Erika and Gifford's daughter Cassidy answered this with "big overpowering lips" and the ones lined with a mustache. Steve lost all the color on his face with these answers, making it seem like he took great offense to it, looked really embarrassed, and at one time even tried to speak with his lips pursed so that they appear smaller.
However, this was all done in fun. Steve was just trying to make light of the situation and wasn't really offended. Nevertheless, both ladies apologized to the host profusely for making him feel a certain kind of way with their responses. 'Celebrity Family Feud' airs on Thursdays at 8 pm ET on ABC.