‘Cats’ cast explains what exactly ‘jellicle cats' are, and their origins

The screen adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s longest-running musical ‘Cats’ has been garnering mixed reviews. Whether people liked it or not, everyone has been asking one question: “What exactly is a jellicle cat?”
While many think it is a particular species of cat, they cannot be more wrong. Because the cast of ‘Cats’ have brought us the answers that we have been seeking. As reported in a recent Variety interview, some of the cast members like Rebel Wilson, Robbie Fairchild, Jason Derulo, and Francesca Hayward, share their knowledge and understanding of what ‘jellicle cats’ really are.
Nobel Prize-winning poet TS Elliot published a book of poems in 1939, titled ‘Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats’. It followed the characteristics and antics of the feline community through the representation of some fictional characters. The group of cat characters created by him was called ‘jellicles’. They are not any exclusive species, but a type, as he designed. According to Elliot, each of the jellicles are distinguished by their coat patterns, distinct personality, and talents.
As Fairchild explains, the word ‘jellicle’ came from Elliot lovingly addressing the cats as ‘dear little cats’ and the transmutation of the phrase thereof, which ended up sounding like ‘jellicle’. As Wilson adds, ‘jellicle’ cats are basically the ‘toddler’ stage of cats when they are playful, fun, and highly interactive; almost like a child who cannot form words properly.
Elliot’s book was not just driven towards feline love, but animal humor in general. Later, inspired by his unique and quirky work of literature, composer and creator Andrew Lloyd Webber, created the musical ‘Cats’ using certain key characters of the book. Webber’s work became immensely popular when it opened in 1981, first in West End and then in Broadway, so much so, that it turned into one of the longest-running musicals on stage.
‘Cat’ movie features an ensemble cast of Francesca Hayward, Jennifer Hudson, Taylor Swift, Rebel Wilson, Jason Derulo, Judi Dench, Idris Elba, Robbie Fairchild, Ian McKellen, James Corden and many more, who collectively form the jellicle cats.