Candace Owens blasts Lil Nas X over Satan Shoes, asks why being gay has become 'default excuse for immorality'

Rapper Lil Nas X drew a slew of criticism for allegedly promoting 'Satan Shoes' with a drop of human blood over the weekend. Joining those criticizing the singer is conservative pundit Candace Owens, who went on a Twitter rant calling the media and corporations a 'sick culture' for promoting items such as Nas X's new product. Owens claimed these organizations are using Black Americans and people like Nas X are ultimately just a “pawn in a larger game” who “does not understand what’s happening”.
The backlash at Nas X comes after he designed Nike sneakers with the company MSCHF and promoted the collection of 666 pieces available with satanist references. While Nike said they had nothing to do with the release or design of the shoes and even sued MSCHF for trademark infringement, the company has yet not pulled the line. And all of this comes after Nas X released the music video for his song 'Call Me By Your Name' where he can be seen grinding on a stripper pole down his way to hell, and later giving Satan a lap dance.
“Satan shoes? Please stop blaming white people,” Owens captioned an Instagram video. “Nobody has the courage to tell Black America the truth. I do.” Owens said Nas X, whose real name is Montero Hill, is thinking along the lines of making money — something that she also blames Cardi B of doing. Nas is "thinking that he can make money,” Owens said in her video, before alleging both are being “used” by corporations “to initiate evil throughout American society”.
Owens also argued that efforts made to push back on this alleged sickness within the Black culture are gaslighted. “How dare Candace Owens comment on the fact that black American culture is cancer. How dare she say that, right?” the author asked, before continuing: "We are never, ever, ever going to get better. These corporations that are actually racist… they constantly enslave our minds, to make us aspire toward degeneracy… keep us angry, keep us emotional.”
Referring to Cardi B's Grammys 2021 performance, Owens added: “The idea is to make us think that there is nothing wrong with women popping themselves half-naked on stage. That’s what we should aspire to. Maybe one day you can grow up and you can be like that. All you have to do is do something more provocative, more debasing, something more degenerate — if you can top this degeneracy… we might even give you a check.”
She continued, "We say that to the black youth — we say that to all the youth, black people just happen to be the conduit, because I believe, from the bottom of my heart, that corporations think black Americans are the dumbest. We’re never gonna get better because we refuse to accept that black culture is sick, right now,” she asserted. What’s going to happen, Owens argued, is that this generation of Black Americans is going to end up at the bottom of American society and will blame “White supremacy” for their failure, a false diagnosis corporations push. The real cause, she identified, is “woke supremacy”.
Owens also carried her message over to Twitter and shared a rant condemning how "We’ve turned George Floyd, a criminal drug addict, into an icon. We are promoting Satan shoes to wear on our feet. We’ve got Cardi B named as woman of the year,” she wrote. “But we’re convinced it’s white supremacy that’s keeping black America behind. How stupid can we be?” Nas X was quick to notice this jab and responded retweeting Owens' post, adding "you know you did something right when she talks about it.”
you know you did something right when she talks about it
— nope 🏹 (@LilNasX) March 28, 2021
Yes. You successfully got you used by corporations to help further destroy our youth.
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) March 28, 2021
Congratulations on being a pawn in a game you likely don’t even understand.
We can take cheap shots on Twitter or I can welcome you to have this discussion with me publicly because it matters.
I have 4 gay cousins— all of whom I’m very close to and all of whom have made it through life without using crystal meth, sexually assaulting anybody, or creating a satan shoe.
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) March 29, 2021
Stop blaming your immorality on sexuality.
But for Owens, this response was the gaslighting she spoke about in her video. “Yes. You successfully got you used by corporations to help further destroy our youth,” she responded online. “Congratulations on being a pawn in a game you likely don’t even understand. We can take cheap shots on Twitter or I can welcome you to have this discussion with me publicly because it matters."
Although Nas X is yet to comment, Owens hit him again for allegedly using his sexuality to promote Satanic sentiments. “Why has ‘oh, but I’m gay’ become a default excuse for immorality?” Owens questioned. “It was Kevin Spacey’s line when he was accused of sexual assault. Andrew Gillum’s when he was caught with a hooker and crystal meth. Now it’s the reason Lil Nas X needs to make a satan shoe with human blood? I have 4 gay cousins— all of whom I’m very close to and all of whom have made it through life without using crystal meth, sexually assaulting anybody, or creating a satan shoe,” she added. “Stop blaming your immorality on sexuality."