Caleb Michale Beesley: Michigan man offered to bail out fellow inmate if he killed his ex-girlfriend

CHARLEVOIX COUNTY, MICHIGAN: Caleb Michale Beesley, a man from Gaylord, has been accused of offering to pay the bail of his fellow inmate from jail under the condition that the latter would then kill his ex-girlfriend. The 26-year-old had reportedly been in a relationship with the woman since April 2021, before he allegedly began beating her up. The series of brutal assaults took place over several states when the couple traveled together, leading to the victim being hospitalized.
As per reports from Fox 2, Beesley had been incarcerated this year for an unrelated crime and was held in the Charlevoix County Jail. Merely hours before he was due to be released, the deputies there learned of his prior assaults and decided to issue new charges. As a result, his new bond was set at $100,000. Enraged, Beesley decided to hatch up the plan to have his ex-girlfriend murdered.
According to the police, Beesley went up to a fellow inmate and laid out his proposition. He would pay the inmate's bond to get him out of jail, following which the man would have to murder the victim, Beesley's ex-girlfriend. In addition to the bail, Beesley had also offered and promised to provide the inmate with some extra money, gifts and more.
Next, Beesley went on to pay his own new bail bond which now amounted to $100,000 and was released on a tether. However, the inmate who had been propositioned by Beesley informed the Charlevoix County Jail Deputy Sherrif about what had occurred and what the accused's plans were. With this new information of Beesley soliciting the murder of his past victim, the authorities contacted Michigan State Police regarding the matter.
Upon trying to trace him, the police soon learned that Beesley's tether was defective and that the accused could not be located. However, they deduced that he must have been living with his new girlfriend in Traverse City, where he was found and subsequently arrested after a warrant was authorized for soliciting homicide as well as bond violations.
Beesley's past offenses, as per records from the Michigan Department of Corrections, included charges such as unlawfully driving away an automobile and larceny in a building.