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‘Bupkis’ Episode 6 Review: Brad Pitt spoils Pete Davidson’s Christmas holiday with family

Pete arrives in Canada to shoot a scene with Brad Pitt during Christmas, but when Pitt fails to arrive the holiday gloom sets in for the comedian
Peter Davidson in 'Bupkis' (Peacock)
Peter Davidson in 'Bupkis' (Peacock)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Pete Davidson is adored and loved wherever he goes. He’s made a name for himself in the comedy circuit, he's dated Kim Kardashian, and Jeff Bezos wants to shoot him into space. Pete’s name is also on the minds of all gossip lovers who just can’t seem to get enough of his eccentricity. Although at core, he’s still a mama’s boy who wants a taste of every medicine. In his new show ‘Bupkis’ airing on Peacock, every episode is based on fulfilling some fantasy of Pete’s. However, in Episode 6, Pete has a chance to star in a movie alongside one of the biggest movie stars on the planet, Brad Pitt.

So he packs his bags, flies to Canada during the Christmas holidays when the entire world has come to a halt, and is greeted by a second assistant director on a near-empty film set. But he’s amped. A scene with Brad Pitt? It doesn’t matter to him that he is away from his family and friends during the holidays until he’s stood up by Brad Pitt. Unfortunately for him, Brad’s double is available to shoot the scene and Pete spirals down into a void of drugs.


'Bupkis' Episode 1 Review: It's all about putting a smile on someone's face and keeping a secret from family

Pete Davidson appears to be literally erasing Kim Kardashian from his life!


Where is Mr Moneyball?

Pete phones his grandfather, played by Joe Pesci, from Canada and informs him that he’s doing a scene with Brad Pitt. He sighs, “Ah Mr Moneyball!” However, Mr Moneyball has decided to spend time with his family for the holidays while Pete went running to Canada to shoot with him. A disappointed Pete still has to shoot the scene with Brad’s double and vents out his frustration in his trailer by watching ‘Everybody Loves Raymond’ after using Sebastian Stan’s already logged in account to subscribe to the show. But that doesn’t put an end to his misery. 

He video calls home and sees his friends smoking holiday weed, which makes him even more upset. He sees his mother baking goodies for his friends while he rots in a hotel room in Canada, and watches a black and white movie. But Pete decides to make something out of this situation and heads out into the night.  

Pete finds some solace in Canada

Pete goes to a bowling alley to score drugs. He cannot imagine being alone at this time of the year. He rants his anger on the two people at the counter of the alley and finally scores some drugs. Completely zoned out of his drug-addled mind, Pete dances in a musical soliloquy as a spotlight falls on him, making his eyes look whiter than usual. We see Pete spending Christmas alone after learning from the director of the movie, JJ Abrams, who makes a virtual guest appearance, that his character will be killed within the first 10 minutes of the film. For Pete, to realize that he’s only a star in his own life and not out there in the movie world, is indeed heartbreaking for anyone to watch.

Not an ideal homecoming for Pete

Pete returns home after completing his death scene in the movie and is ambushed by Sebastian Stan at the coffee shop, who knocks him out for using his account to subscribe to crappy shows by spending his money. The end of the episode where Pete is knocked out by a sucker punch is a perfect commentary about his time in Canada, when Brad Pitt made him miss the holidays with his family.