Bruce Springsteen brands 'buffoonish' Trump a threat to democracy, celebrates his low poll numbers

Bruce Springsteen slammed POTUS Donald Trump and called him a "threat to our democracy". The 'Born to Run' singer said that he does not know whether "our democracy could stand another four years of his custodianship". While speaking to The Atlantic, Springsteen said he feels optimistic about the November elections.
He said, "I think it's all these kids in the street that are inspiring the most hope in me." He went on to add, "I believe that our current president is a threat to our democracy. He simply makes any kind of reform that much harder. I don’t know if our democracy could stand another four years of his custodianship. These are all existential threats to our democracy and our American way of life," Breitbart reported him saying.

Springsteen also expressed his happiness regarding recent polls which showed Trump falling behind Joe Biden. He also called out Trump for his walk through Lafayette Square while on his way to St John's Church. Trump decided to walk down to the St John's Episcopal Church from the White House through Lafayette Park on Monday, June 1. People who were peacefully staging a protest near the park and the church were ruthlessly tear-gassed and shot rubber bullets at to make way for Trump so that POTUS could walk through the streets. When Trump reached the Church, he decided to have a small photo-op, and his accessory of choice was none other than the Bible. He held a Bible close to him, as he posed for the cameras.
"Our president's numbers appear to be crashing through the basement. That’s a good sign. I believe we may have finally reached a presidential tipping point with that Lafayette Square walk, which was so outrageously anti-American, so totally buffoonish and so stupid, and so anti-freedom of speech. And we have a video of it that will live on forever," Springsteen said.

On the photo-op day, Trump stood posing for the cameras unfazed and gave his customary speech about how the US would rise from the current events stronger than ever. All this while people were staring at him in horror as he held the Bible upside down. The internet and media named him the 'anti-Christ' over his mishap. "When I watched the president march to St John’s and pose with his Bible and his phony all-white contingent, it didn’t look real. Because it wasn’t real. That is not the America of today. That culture, which keeps black people invisible, is gone," Springsteen shared.
He also called out the Republican Party for its lack of racial diversity and said, "When you see the Democratic side of the House filled with brown people and black people, straight people and gay people, and then you look at the Republicans, who appear unchanged by history at this moment? They look ridiculous."
The 'Born In The USA' singer said that he is glad to see the country having "a national discussion of police behavior" and said that it was "long overdue". He shared that police brutality and misconduct can no longer "be ignored or hidden". "The president can pretend it’s all not happening, and that George Floyd is smiling down from heaven because of the job reports this week. But every American, and I believe the whole world, can see right now that the status quo is not okay. And that’s progress," he said.