Britney Spears' dad called her 'fat, w***e and terrible mom' soon after conservatorship began

A friend of Britney Spears has alleged that the pop star's father "taunted her as fat, a w***e and a terrible mother" shortly after her conservatorship under him began. The "Princess of Pop" has repeatedly claimed to be a victim of "abuse" due to her father apparently controlling her life.
Jamie Spears, 68, is said to have "taunted" his megastar daughter, 39, about her weight, called her derogatory names and also ridiculed her parenting skills since she entered his conservatorship. Speaking to New Yorker, family friend Jacqueline Butcher accused the family patriarch of cruel behavior toward his daughter. Butcher explained that Britney was considered a danger to herself and her children, which led to several 5150 cases that saw police and ambulances being rushed into her home and eventually taking her for psychiatric evaluation.
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Butcher told the New Yorker that she was present on "one of the first days after she was released from the hospital", recalling how she sat on the floor with her pal and her mother Lynne Spears. "Jamie was sitting at a desk. A flat-screen TV was playing nearby. Jamie said, ‘Baby,’” Butcher remembered. “And I thought he was going to say, ‘We love you, but you need help.’ But what he said was ‘You’re fat. Daddy’s gonna get you on a diet and a trainer, and you’re gonna get back in shape.’"
She said Jamie did not stop there. He proceeded to point "at the TV and said, 'You see that TV over there? You know what it’s going to say in eight weeks? That’s gonna be you on there, and they’re gonna say, ‘She’s back.’"
Butcher said she witnessed Jamie become aggressive with his daughter over the next few weeks. “He would get all in her face, spittle was flying, telling her she was a w***e and a terrible mother,” she alleged. "Spears was told that she could see her kids again only if she cooperated. Lynne was just, like, ‘Obey Daddy and they’ll let you out,’" Butcher claimed. "Spears behaved and regained limited access to her children. But Jamie got rid of anyone his daughter had been close to," she added.
Britney spoke about her 13-year conservatorship for the first time in a court hearing on June 23. The previous night, the singer had reportedly "called 911 to report herself as a victim of conservatorship abuse". Butcher said that Britney's team was frantic as they "worried what Spears might say the next day and discussed how to prepare in the event that she went rogue."
When a lawyer defending her conservatorship requested the judge to seal court proceedings, the songwriter objected to the proposal. “Somebody’s done a good job at exploiting my life. I feel like it should be an open-court hearing — they should listen and hear what I have to say," she urged. The judge, however, ruled that Jamie would remain Britney's conservator despite her plea for his removal, according to The Sun.