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'Bridgerton' Season 3: From Lady Violet to Eloise Bridgerton, here are 5 characters who deserve their own spin-off show

'Bridgerton' Season 3 can spark spin-off speculation for these captivating characters, promising new depths
UPDATED MAY 15, 2024
Beyond the ballroom, here are 5 'Bridgerton' characters who deserve their own shows (@Netflix)
Beyond the ballroom, here are 5 'Bridgerton' characters who deserve their own shows (@Netflix)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: 'Bridgerton' returns for Season 3 on May 16 on Netflix, and promises another whirlwind of romance, scandal, and lavish Regency-era drama. While the focus will be on Penelope Featherington's long-awaited love story with Colin Bridgerton, the series' rich tapestry is filled with captivating characters waiting for their moment in the spotlight.

Beyond the glittering ballrooms and heated Bridgerton sibling rivalries, a wealth of stories simmer beneath the surface. Let's delve into five compelling figures from the periphery who deserve their own spin-off shows, offering a deeper exploration of their ambitions, struggles, and hidden depths.

'Bridgerton' has captivated audiences with its lavish costumes, witty dialogue, and complex characters. While the focus remains on the Bridgerton siblings navigating love and societal pressures, several compelling secondary characters deserve a deeper dive. Here are five figures on the periphery who could shine in their spin-off shows:

Lady Violet Bridgerton

Lady Violet Bridgerton can navigates love, sacrifice, and secrets in her captivating spin-off series (@Netflix)
Lady Violet Bridgerton from 'Bridegerton' can navigate love, sacrifice, and secrets in her captivating spin-off series (@Netflix)

A formidable matriarch, Lady Violet Bridgerton has become a fan favorite with her sharp wit and astute social skills have steered the family through countless challenges. A spin-off could explore her younger years, revealing how she navigated the Regency social scene as a single woman and eventually secured her marriage to the late Viscount Edmund Bridgerton.

It could showcase her fierce determination to secure her daughters' futures and the sacrifices she made to ensure the Bridgerton family's rise to prominence. Imagine lavish balls filled with political intrigue, punctuated by the blossoming love story between Violet and Edmund. The spin-off could also delve into the origins of the Bridgerton wealth, hinting at potential family secrets and scandals.

Eloise Bridgerton

Eloise Bridgerton can set on a rebellious journey of intellect, independence, and forbidden desires in her daring spin-off tale (@Netflix)
Eloise Bridgerton from 'Bridgerton' can set on a rebellious journey of intellect, independence, and forbidden desires in her daring spin-off tale (@Netflix)

While 'Bridgerton' is known for grand romances, Eloise Bridgerton stands out as a character yearning for something beyond the confines of society. A spin-off focusing on Eloise could be a refreshing exploration of female rebellion in the Regency era.

Imagine Eloise chafing against societal expectations for young ladies. We could see her intellectual curiosity blossom as she secretly devours forbidden literature and engages in spirited debates with like-minded individuals. The series could explore her quest for knowledge and her desire to break free from the restrictions placed upon women. Perhaps she even embarks on a clandestine adventure, seeking experiences unavailable to her in the opulent 'Bridgerton' drawing room.

A potential romance could unfold, but not necessarily a conventional one. Maybe she encounters a kindred spirit who challenges her views and encourages her independent thinking. This spin-off could be a delightful coming-of-age story, showcasing Eloise's journey toward self-discovery and her fight to define her own path in a world determined to define her.

Edwina Sharma 

The spin-off can follow Kate and Edwina Sharma's captivating journey of love, and ambition (@Netflix)
The spin-off can follow 'Bridgerton' cast Edwina Sharma's captivating journey of love, and ambition (@Netflix)

Edwina Sharma, from the second season of 'Bridgerton', deserves her own chance to shine. Beyond the love triangle, Edwina possesses strength and resilience waiting to be explored. A spin-off could delve into her journey of self-discovery.

We could see her grapple with the emotional fallout of the season's events, forcing her to redefine her desires and forge a path independent of societal expectations. Perhaps she travels, explores her intellectual pursuits, or even ventures into business ventures deemed unladylike.

The series could showcase her fierce intelligence, untapped potential, and a journey of self-love that defies the limitations placed upon young women. With her wit and newfound independence, Edwina's story could be a refreshing exploration of female empowerment in the Regency era.

Benedict Bridgerton 

In the 'Bridgerton Brothers' spin-off, Benedict, Anthony and Colin can navigate personal passions and worldly adventures (@Netflix)
In the 'Bridgerton' spin-off, Benedict can navigate personal passions and worldly adventures (@Netflix)

Benedict Bridgerton, the artistic enigma of the Bridgerton clan, craves more than opulent balls and societal expectations. A spin-off could delve into his soul. Imagine Benedict escaping the confines of London, venturing across Europe.

The viewers would love to see him grappling with his artistic desires – tortured by self-doubt as he interacts with other artists, seeking inspiration in the grand museums and sun-drenched piazzas of Italy.

This journey wouldn't be just about art. It would explore his identity. Who is Benedict outside of family pressures? Does he find love amidst the foreign beauty? The series could be a poignant exploration of an artist's struggle, his search for meaning, and the transformative power of travel that shapes him into the man we meet in Bridgerton.

Lady Agatha Danbury

Lady Agatha Danbury can shine in a spin-off showcases her young years (@Netflix)
Lady Agatha Danbury from 'Bridgerton' can shine in a spin-off that showcases her young years (@Netflix)

While 'Bridgerton' boasts a bevy of captivating characters, Lady Agatha Danbury remains a scene-stealer. Her sharp wit, regal presence, and undeniable influence within the ton make her a prime candidate for a spin-off series.

Imagine a show delving into Lady Agatha's younger years. We could witness her rise to prominence, navigating the complexities of Regency society as a woman of color. The series could explore her past romantic entanglements, the secrets behind her wealth and influence, and the cunning strategies she employed to secure her place in the ton.

Flash forward to the present, and a Lady Agatha spin-off could showcase her role as a confidante and advisor to the Bridgertons and other prominent families. We'd witness her sharp insights into societal machinations, her guidance on navigating delicate situations, and perhaps even a touch of romantic intrigue in her own life.

With her wisdom, wit, and undeniable presence, Lady Agatha's solo series would undoubtedly be a captivating addition to the 'Bridgerton' universe.

'Bridgerton' Season 3 will be released on May 16 on Netflix