‘Breeders’ Episode 6: We miss actor Michael McKean on the show post his character’s death, fans wholly agree

We are almost halfway through the series and finally getting to hear from people about what they think about the FX show. Although primarily presented as a comedy, there are a lot of emotional moments (though presented in a quirky manner) that the story explores and which makes fans feel more connected.
Take the last episode for instance. In a tragic turn of events, we saw Ally’s father, Michael die in a road accident while he was trying to buy his grandchildren a pet gerbil (a replacement for a dead one). In episode 6, we saw the Worsleys following Ally to the countryside to spread her father’s ashes and say final goodbye to him.
Now that Michael McKean, who played the role of Michael, will no longer be a part of the show, we miss the subtle humor and positive energy his character brought to show.
But it’s not just us. Even fans are missing him and feel upset. A fan tweeted, “@MJMcKean has been so great in #BreedersFx”
Another fan commented on how the actor has been on similar other fun shows and wished his character hadn't left the story. “@MJMcKean is everywhere and I love it! #bettercallsaul #frankieandgrace #BreedersFx living his best life! Although I wish he hadn’t died on breeders!" he commented.
“@MJMcKean very sad you are not on #BreedersFx anymore. You are awesome,” adds another fan of the actor and of the show.
FX’s latest comedy series featuring Martin Freeman and Daisy Haggard might have had a slow start but has now managed to pick up pace and a number of fans among its viewers.
While many viewers earlier raised the issue of strong and abusive language, others felt that the context of the story justified it. For those who are yet to catch up on this hilarious journey of Paul (Martin Freeman) and Ally Worsley (Daisy Haggard) through the rollercoaster called parenthood, then now is the time, before the series heads towards its final few episodes. And now with current lockdown in effect, there cannot be a better opportunity to indulge in such brilliant humor penned by Martin Freeman and Simon Blackwell and discover the bitter truth about parenting.
‘Breeders’ airs every Monday night on FX at 10pm/9c.