FLIGHT HORROR: Passengers desperately hold plane door shut for 20 MINUTES after it opens mid-air

In a horrifying video that was shared online, passengers flying above Brazil were seen anxiously holding the jet door, which opened in the mid-flight. The plane took off from Jordao, Acre at 12:30 p.m. on 14 April and arrived at 2 p.m. On its way to Rio Branco, one of the door's support cables snapped mid-flight, forcing passengers to run over and desperately close it.
Passengers on the plane traveling over Brazil can be seen trying to keep the door shut when it flew open in the middle of the flight. The handrail of the door collided with the propeller. At least two people can be seen in the video keeping the plane's door shut. According to Unilad.co.uk, the passengers were able to hold the jet door shut until it landed, and there were no casualties.
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Despite the risk, the passengers appear to be extremely calm as the situation unfolds in the video. The plane is thought to be an Embraer 110 Bandeirante, a Brazilian twin-turboprop light aircraft used for both commercial and military purposes. It can carry between 15 and 21 passengers, however, the exact number of passengers on this trip at the time of the event is yet to be established. Local media reported Rio Branco Aerotaxi was the plane's operator.
One of the passengers, who did not want to be identified, informed Unilad reporters that the door opened when one of its support wires snapped. They said that another passenger stood up and, as shown in the video, joined forces with another man to keep the door closed.
The passengers did this for 20 minutes, while the pilot was forced to turn off the left engine after the door's railing collided with the propeller, leaving him with only one engine to continue the journey. The incident was reported to CENIPA (Centro de Investigacao e Prevencao de Acidentes Aeronauticos), the country's Centre for Investigation and Prevention of Aeronautical Accidents), according to a Rio Branco Aerotaxi representative. The aircraft has subsequently been repaired, according to the spokesman, and is ready to fly again.