Sony removes Leonardo Dicaprio's double-chin, Brad Pitt's wrinkles from 'Once Upon a Time...' promo photo
The issue of going overboard with photoshop has been rampant in Hollywood and several celebrities have called out studios for altering their images
Sony unintentionally revealed a little secret — it is not just female stars who are heavily photoshopped. On Wednesday, the production company accidentally uploaded an altered version of the first-look photo of Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt. The photo was first released on June 27 to promote the upcoming Quentin Tarantino film 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood' and showed the stars posing in groovy '60s attire.
A quick glance at both the photos reveals how the images were altered. The image that was accidentally uploaded looks heavily airbrushed. Pitt's wrinkles were removed and DiCaprio's double-chin was also significantly reduced.