'Blindspot' Series Finale Review: Jane Doe saves the day once again, but who dies in Season 5 Episode 11?

Spoilers for 'Blindspot' Season 5 Episode 10 'Inne Ennui'
"Dust thou art — to dust returnest", or in Jane Doe's case, you come in a body bag, you leave in a body bag. It's a sad, tragic day for the 'Blindspot' fandom. Five seasons, 100 episodes and countless memories later, Jane has finally made the ultimate sacrifice. It's not your regular procedural nature to kill off the main character we were rooting for so hard, but then again, the NBC thriller has never been your regular procedural. Pulling at our heartstrings, the series finale of the show aka Season 5 Episode 11, saw Jane rise from her ashes a second time, only to close things off with her breathing her last. At this moment our only respite is that she didn't go out without a fight. Jane did what she does best, and Jamie Alexander is pretty much a legend for making us sob through the entire hour or so.
The episode kicks off with Jane coming back to her senses after being zipped. Her memories are fine, she is fine, the antidote worked. But there's a crisis, as usual. The team has been disbanded and they can never work at any other federal form of government. They were civilians with no power, and on top of that, they were able to retrieve only 29 canisters of ZIP out of the total 30 that Ivy had. That she managed to escape with the one final canister means her plans are still in action. In the aftermath of being surrounded by ZIP and drugged by Ivy, Jane kept hallucinating about Ivy's plans. She had some severe hunches abut where Ivy was going to lock up or use the ZIP next but unfortunately for the new FBI director, that isn't enough. She needs more proof.
The new director isn't Jane's only problem though. Her antidote is wearing off and Jane is losing grip on her life. Hallucinations clamor her mind and only when she is on the antidote drip, her memories are hindered. But Jane can't afford to do that either. No matter how touching, heartbreaking and raw the montage of Jane's memories are, we are greeted by them only for a few brief seconds and this is right where it becomes clear that the character won't survive. It's a classic set up. Sort of like the Memorium thing TV does for characters right before killing them off. Like giving Edgar Reade (Rob Brown) a chance to come clean about his feelings for Tasha Zapata (Audrey Esparza). Or even allow Matthew Weitz (Aaron Abrams) one last shot at redemption before dying for the team. Jane's memories reeling by are a haunting harbinger of what's to come and from this point onwards, the writer just jumps to the point.
Jane decides she needs these hallucinations and memories to solve the puzzle behind where Ivy is going to use the ZIP next. But for that, she must discard the antidote as it hinders the side effects of the drug Ivy used on her. So, Jane without alerting anybody that she was pushing to her extreme, decides to help the team one last time after she figures out the attack is going to be at — you guessed it — Times Square!
The final moments are pretty stereotypically drama. Jane and the team arrive right in time to capture Ivy and diffuse the ZIP bomb, but Jane has gone on without the antidote for too long. It was sticking on her the first time and she was technically dying all this while. So, right at the spot where she had turned up in a body bag at five years ago, Jane breathes her last, bringing the story full circle just as we had expected. It was chilling and crushing in equal parts. An ex-terrorist-turned-FBI member-turned-rogue agent-turned the final piece of the puzzle. Jane did it all and Alexander pours more than just her heart into this role. What a fitting finale! You'll be truly missed.