'Black Lightning' Season 3 Episode 6 promo hints at Jennifer and Brandon's growing partnership with possibility of romance

Freeland is about to start fighting back in 'Black Lightning' Season 3 Episode 6 and the A.S.A. better beware. After all the repression that they've faced, the people of Freeland are done being silenced and the Pierce family is going to have a major role to play in the coming revolution, whether they like it or not.
A promo for the upcoming episode released by The CW on November 12 shows multiple scenes of the Pierce family in distress but what's really interesting is a quick shot of Jennifer Pierce/Lightning (China Anne McClain) blasting someone with her electricity powers. On closer examination, we see that she's actually firing at her friend Brandon (Jahking Guillory) who was recently revealed to be a metahuman.
Brandon was introduced in Season 3's first episode as a new kid at Jennifer's school. Though they had a bit of a rocky start, Jennifer and Brandon have grown to become friends and there have also been hints at a possible romance.
In Episode 5, Brandon revealed his metahuman powers to Jennifer and he's the perfect counter to her destructive abilities. Brandon can absorb the electricity that Jennifer creates, defusing her power surges and helping reduce the pain that comes with having to keep her powers suppressed.
Jennifer's been having some trouble managing her powers but it looks like she's finally found someone who can help her with them. With Brandon by her side, she could finally learn to use her powers without getting overwhelmed by them, which is a real danger since she's actually more powerful than her father Jefferson Pierce/Black Lightning (Cress Williams).
Unfortunately, Brandon's random appearance and the fact that he hasn't been flagged by the A.S.A as a meta suggests that he may secretly be a spy working for Agent Odell (Bill Duke). We've already seen Odell manipulating multiple people, including Jennifer's mom Dr. Lynn Stewart (Christine Adams), for his own gain and for all we know, Brandon might be just another pawn in Odell's grand plan.
'Black Lightning' Season 3 Episode 6 will air on The CW on November 18.